Chapter 12: A Princess on Lothal

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Chapter 12: A Princess on Lothal

Morning came to Lothal as both Ezra and Mako were still outside as they still were hurting over the news the received, the loth cat jumps away and climbs into the little hut and looks down at it, "How are they taking it?" Hera asks as Kadan sat in front of the hologram Hera. "As you expect, we both knew that Ezra and Mako wouldn't get the news they hoped about their parents," Kadan answers her, she frowns and looks at Ryder. "Governor Azudie, we're grateful you stood by them for so long," Hera said to him and he sighs. "Not sure what good it did, Mako's parents are still alive and out there, but things don't seem any better here on Lothal," he states and looks away.

Hera nods at him, "At the moment maybe, but we hope to change that in the future." she states and then looks back at Kadan. "Speaking of quite, senator Organa heard about our losses on Geral, he's sending us reinforcements, his agent is coming to Lothal, with three cruisers," she informs him and this gets his attention. "Three cruisers? That is good news, maybe a mission like this is just what Ezra and Mako need." Kadan states and Hera smiles a little as well. "I hope your right, we'll be there as so as we can to help."


The three cruisers drop out of hyperspace and approached the planet of Lothal, a star destroyer approaches the cruisers. "Sir, three unidentified starships have entered our sector." the officer informs the admiral. "Launch fighters to intercept." he orders and the fighter threw out to the ships. "Open a channel." he orders and the officer did so, "Attention, this is Lieutenant List, Lothal is now a restricted system by order of the Emperor. Identify yourselves immediately." he orders the pilot.

Then the pilot answers him "Readings lieutenant. We come bearing relief supplies for the civilians of Lothal. Our mission is sectioned by the Imperial Senate." the pilot informs him. "I wasn't informed of your visit nor do you have a landing permit." List informs them, "Permit is coming through now, sir." the co-pilot informs him. And the transfer was complete. "They're from Alderaan." the pilot informs him, List just signs "Another meddling Adulation from Alderaan, I'll handle this personally," he states.

The cruisers then came closer as the fighters were flying all around them, "Attention Senatorial convoy, your landing has been granted and fighters will escort you to the Jaloth city for processing. I'll see you there." List informs them and the senator steps forward and reveals to be Princess Leia. She smirks and nods "This is Princess Leia Organa, I look forward to it, Lieutenant. End transmission." she and the line was cut off. She sighs and folds her arms behind her back. "Well, there's no turning back now."


Ezra, Mako, and Chopper sat in the open field behind the rocks, Ezra held his knees to his chest and Mako held her knees to her chest as well and her head was buried in her knees as she had one arm wrapped around them, gripping her other arm as it was just hanging on the side.

Chopper just looks at them as none were saying anything. Then both Kadan and Ryder walk up to them, "Ezra, Mako. we're going to miss our rendezvous. Let's go." Kadan calls out to then, Mako lifted her head up and they both look at him "If you're going Jaloth city, be careful. The fleet may be gone, but the Imperial security." Ryder informs them, "Maybe dressed like this, but who's going to notice an extra stormtrooper, cadet, and Lieutenant?" Kadan asks as he tossed the helmet and hat to Ezra and Mako.

Ezra catches the helmet as Mako caught the Imperial hat, then they both look at them, "Great." Ezra states as Mako sighs "Fantastic." she mutters and they both stood up, Ezra taps the helmet on his head as Mako pulls her hair up, ties it into a bun and places the Imperial hat on it, hiding her red hair. The two watches them walk past them, then Kadan looks back at him as Chopper rolls up next to him, "They know our ship too, Ryder, any chance we could..." Kadan asks him, "Barrow my bike? Take it, but I'm not getting involved any further." Ryder answers him and Kadan just looks at him in shock. "Even after what the Empire did to you? Come on, get back in the fight." Kadan tells him and Ryder just looks at him, "I won't go back to prison Kadan, please don't ask that of me." Ryder said to him, Kadan just looks at him and sighs.

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