Chapter 8: Blood Sisters

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Chapter 8: Blood Sisters

Back onto the planet of Gerdel, the Ghost was landed in a cargo, Hera was speaking with two rebels, "Fux, you're picking up our fighter pilot's parts in the market. The crates are labeled Arongto meat and watch out for imperial troopers, they've increase portals. Good luck." she tells them, they both nodded at her and walks off, as Ezra, Sabine, Leo, Mako, Leto, and Chopper walks down the ramp to Hera. "You said you had another mission." Ezra states and Hera turns to them as Mako places her hands on her hips. "What do you want me to do?" he asks, making Sabine and Leo exchange looks. "Actually, this one for Sabine and Leo," Hera informs him as the two walk forward.

Ezra looks at them then went to say something, but Mako covers his mouth, then Sabine elbowed Ezra. "Ow! Hey," he calls out to her, Chopper chuckles at him as Mako shook her head at him. Ezra eyes Chopper as Mako pats the droid's head. Leto chuckles as well then hides under Mako's hair. "There's a courier coming in who has secret information. I need you to keep him up and transport him to Havoc outpost." Hera informs them. Leo nods as he crosses his arms, "Sounds easy enough." Sabine states as Ezra steps closer. "If it were easy, I would of send someone else, this information is important. We have to get it through. Keep a low profile." Hera informs her and Sabine look at her. "Don't worry you can trust us," Sabine assures her.

"What's the courier look like?" Leo asks her and she looks back at the datapad. "I don't know, but they'll respond to this code phrase." Hera answers and the two look down at their comm links on their arms. "Got it." they both answered, Sabine, places on her helmet as Leo pulls on his hood. Then they started to walk, "Hey, we can be low profile too." Ezra states as Hera looks at him and held her arm out in front of him. "You and Mako can be... back-up, along with Chopper, but Sabine is in charge," Hera informs her, Leto pops his head out, Mako looks at him and pets his head, making him purr. "Understood." Ezra said and places his helmet on, "Roger that." Mako said and pulls her hood on and Leto snuggles into her hair.

They caught up with the hunter and the smuggler, "Leader, huh? I always figured you for a loner." Ezra said and Mako nudges him a little, he looks at her and shrugs. "Not always," Sabine answers him as Mako walks with Leo. "But you make it seem that way, you spent a lot of time in your room. Alone and you actually attend to eat alone, sometimes and combat practice alone and go off to probably be alone." Ezra tells her. Mako rolls her eyes as she shook her head. Then Leto pops out his head and squeaks, Leo and Mako look at him with smiles, then he hops onto Mako's hand then purrs as the two were giving him attention.

"I don't know, I guess sometimes I found you alone after I follow you and then your angry and I heard you say more than once I want to be alone." Ezra went one, but Sabine stops as she saw a familiar tag on the wall. "Ezra, we get it. She likes to be alone and you make it sound like you stalk her." Mako states and Ezra looks at her, "What? No, I don't." he protested. Sabine removes her helmet then kneels in front of the tag. She then looks over and rolls her eyes at Ezra. Then touches the tag to see that it was still a little fresh. "Okay, fine. I'll stop." Ezra snaps at her, "Thank you." Mako said as Leto crawls back onto her shoulder. He sighs then looks back and saw Sabine kneeling in front of the tag, "Hey, what's that?" he asks and she wipes off her fingers. "Nothing," she answers, then stood up, pulling her helmet back on and walks back to them.


"The Gerale shuttle 3765 from Coruscant has arrived in bay 22." the announcer states as the six walks into the bay and watch the people walk off the shuttle "So how do we find this courier?" Ezra asks Sabine and she looks at him, "The code fraze is, it's a long way to Alddreean." Sabine informs him.

Ezra looks out at the crowd, "I think it's this guy." he states pointing at the rodian, Mako looks at Ezra and places her hand on her hip then they watch him walk up to the rodian, "Hey." he calls out and the rodian looks at him, "It's a long way to Alddreean." he states, "Okay." the man states and walks off.

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