Chapter 17: The Honorable Ones

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The Ghost drops from Hyperspace, flying towards the wreckage of a ship near Geonosis. Everyone stood in the cockpit as they looked out at the ship. "Rebel Intelligence was right. The Empire was building something over Genosis." Ezra said aloud. Leo shot a look at him, as he still felt skeptical about the Intel. "Yeah, but what? I've never seen an orbital constriction field that big." Sabine informs them.

Mako leans against Kadan's chair, "I think it's a trap." she voices and Hera looks at the both of them. Kadan pats her arm, "The Genonosians made weapons back in the Clone Wars. Whatever they were up to, I'm betting we're not gonna like it." Kanan informs them "Must've been huge if they had to build it up here instead of down on the surface." Zeb said aloud. "But still, can't but feel like it's a trap," Leo informs them.

Leto chirps at them as he stood on Hera's shoulder. "Chopper, run a planetary scan," she orders him and he grunts at her as he turns to the scanner. "Good idea. I know from experiencing the bugs down there don't take to unexpected guests." Rex calls out to them, Mako steps over next to Chopper, kneeling next to him as he does the scans, "Anything?" she asks him.

He just grunts in frustration at her, "What?" she asks in surprise as the others turn to the droid. "No life?" Sabine asks him and Leo looks back to Zeb. "You crossed-wired? There are billions of bugs on Geonosis," he informs them. "Well, according to the scans, there's no life detected on Geonosis. It's just a barren wasteland." Mako calls out to him. "Scan again," Rex calls out, Chopper just sighs as he re-scans the planet. "They're dead. All of them." Ezra said as he shot a look over at Zeb, "I don't like any of this." he mutters.

Mako shot a look over at Leo "You think the Empire killed all of them?" she asks, Leo just shrugs "I wouldn't put it past them." he answers, crossing his arms. "We don't know that for sure. Let's check out that constriction module." Hera said and flew in, heading towards the abandoned station.

She lands in one of the hangers, Leto chirps as Hera just looks at them as they watch the others slide down the ladder. "Keep it running, in case things..." Kanan said, "In case things go like they usually do?" she asks, knowing the answer. "Pretty much, yeah," he said, smiling and sliding down the ladder.

Leto huffs with a grumpy pout. Hera just looks at him, smiling as she scratches his head, making him smile then purr. "I know, he drives me crazy too," she mutters.


Kanan catches up with the others as Zeb took point with Leo right behind him, "The primary data banks. They might have records of what the Empire was making." Sabine answers, "My gut tells me those data banks are will be empty." Kanan calls out "Assuming they're still here in piece." Leo calls out. "Leo," Mako exclaims. "What? I'm just saying. The Empire never leaves any trace of their deeds behind, they make sure everything either erased or copied to take with, they're not dumb enough to leave it behind." he points out.

"Gotta admit, Leo, makes a good point." Ezra points out, unknown to them a droid peeks from the shadows as the rebels stroll through the hall. "I'm hate to admit it, but I agree with Leo, I think this is a trap," Zeb said and on cue the droid rolls up to the panel, inserts the pick, and the door flung open, revealing troopers as they were led by Agent Kallus. "How perceptive," he said with a grin.

Zeb took a step back, his arm in front of Leo as he aimed his blasters. "Karabass," he mutters.

The Jedi engaged their sabers, deflecting the blaster fire as Zeb charges at Kallus, Leo fired at the trooper next to Kallus, but he gasps, seeing the doors close, "Zeb!" he calls out, running for them. Mako shot her hand out, making the trooper fly back, she then turns her head, seeing Leo jump through the closing doors. "Leo, Zeb!" she calls out. "Lasats. Never know when to give up." Kallus shouts as Zeb blocks his staff, but he reels back, seeing blaster fire flies right past his head and hit the wall.

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