Chapter 10: The Future of the Force

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Chapter 10: The Future of the Force

A Shuttle transport flew close to the planet of Mustafar, as another left the planet the people on the shuttle were talking among themselves as a woman walks out of her room and looks at the baby in her arms, "There, there. Alaura, we're away from trouble now, a new life awaits us both." she assures her, but then the ship shook, fighting all of the people on board.

But a hooded stranger wasn't afraid as they stood still, "It's the Empire, they're seizing the ship. We need to get out of here!" a man yells and they hurried for the escape pods. The shuttle was held in a tracker beam of a star destroyer. The infant started to cray but the woman hums to her, trying to calm her down.

Then the door opens and the two Inquisitors into the hall, "This is a civilian transport, we were granted clearance for takeoff." the pilot informs them, but sister throws him at the wall, "I'm afraid it's been canceled." she informs him as her probe then grips his shoulder and held it at the wall. "As fortune would have it, you carry a cargo of great interest to us," she tells him and Brother walks down the hall as the people cowered in the pods, afraid of him as sister followed.

The hood person then looks at brother as they gripped the blaster at their hip. Then he looks at the woman and she then realizes what the inquisitor meant, "No!" she cries and went to make a run for it, she then presses at the panel to open the door, it opens, but Brother closes it, the woman tries again, but he closes shut. Making the woman bang her hand against the door, then she finally turns and looks at the inquisitors, "Keep away." she growls at them. Then Sister's mask was removed and she strokes the woman's face. "Fear not old one, we wish to make friends. But first, we have some business to attend to," she tells her, then looks over her shoulder at brother.

He removes his saber from his back, ignites it, making everyone scare as the hooded person removes their hand from their blaster and to their sword. Then Brother flung it at them, making everyone run, but then hooded person moves in front of them and with a swing of their blade, knocks the saber down and disengages it. Brother looks at the person in shock, but the hooded person stood up as their hood fell off, revealing brown long hair with white in the bangs, brown eyes, tan skin. She smirks at them, then held her hand out to him and beckons him to her. He growls and held his hand out to pull his saber back to him, but the woman places her foot on it and stops it from moving. Sister then groans in annoyance and turns to her, "I hate it when things interfere with the mission." she moans.

The woman rolls her hand and places her hand on her hip, "Then why not do something about it, if you're going to bitch and moan about it." the woman taunts her and Sister was quickly offended by it, "Then again, Inquisitors don't want to do anything thing about it and they send lackeys to do their work for them, giving the kill to another." she throws out and Brother glares at her, the woman smirks to herself. Then they both charges at her as they gave into their rage.


Back on Geral, in a docking Bay, Ezra was working with Chopper on an upgrade as Ashoka meets up with Kadan on Jedi business. "Well, this is unexpected. Don't get me wrong, it's always good to see you, but it usually means trouble." Kadan informs her, "What I have to say is Jedi business." she answers him, then Kadan smirks. "Well, I guess I qualify." he jokes and Ashoka just smirks and crosses her arms, "You qualify more than I do." she jokes as well and the two walk back onto the Ghost.

This gets Ezra's attention. The two walk into an empty bunk room was Mako was meditating and Leto napping on her shoulder. She then opens her eyes and looks at them, "Oh hey." she said and then stood up, Ashoka smiles at her, "Hello Mako, how are you feeling?" Ashoka asks her and Mako smiles at her, "Better. After resting, I'm set for the next mission." she informs her as Leto stretches awake. "Good, because this one will be Jedi business," Ashoka informs her, Mako nods at her as Ashoka closes the door and stood in front of them as Mako leans against the wall next to the door. "I've been monitoring transmissions from Mustafa, to find out more about the Sith Lord." Ashoka informs them, Kadan exchanges look with Mako and they look back at her, "And?" Kadan asks, "Information about him allures me, but I've learned more about his Inquisitors. It seems they have a secondary mission of retrieves." Askoha informs them.

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