Chapter 4: Relics of the Old Republic

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Chapter 4: Relics of the Old Republic

The Republic walker walks as a sandstorm was slowly catching up, Leo and Sabine work on the repairs. "The probe hit us pretty badly, repairs as going to take a little while longer," Sabine informs Kadan over the comms as Leo was working on the repairs. "We don't have much time, we don't know when the Empire will be here. We got to get off the surface." Kadan informs her, Sabine then peeks out and looks at the incoming storm. "The Empire's not our only problem. There's a storming coming up behind us." Sabine informs, "Which is why I'm working as fast as I can." Leo throws in.

"If the Empire gets here before we take off, the storm will be the lest of our problems," Kadan informs them as Rex walks up to Mako and Ezra. He then held out a data disk, "There they are, every coordinate of every republic base, separatist instillation, pirate hideout and smuggler's den in the outer rim." Rex informs then and handed it to Mako, "Plus a few Mandalorian bases, even they had forgotten about." Wolf adds in as he pats Rex's shoulder "Thank you, Captain, Commander. Are you sure you still don't want to come with us?" Mako asks them. "Yeah, you're bad in a fight... for older gentlemen." Zeb states and Greager bumps his elbow with his and Zeb bump him back. "Ah, like I said, our war's over, kid. Don't much care to get mix up in another, Oh! And say hello to commander Tano for me." he asks as he salutes her.

Mako just gave him a worried look, "But the Empire is on its way and they will find you, Rex." Mako states as she was worried about him. "Oh, we can take care of ourselves. "Spectre 1 to Spectre 2," Kadan said on the comms to Hera.


The Ghost floated in space, working on the repairs, "We're gonna be here a while longer. Give me some good new, has the Empire showed up yet?" Kadan asks as Hera feels around on the panel and takes a hold of her comm, and sat up. "I'm a little busy, finishing repairs on the Ghost, but Chopper's been scanning, so far nothing," she informs him.

Then Chopper chirps at her as the alert system when off, she looks at him then out as space as Imperial drops out of hyperspace. Hera sighs to herself, "Ugh, just had to go and say that." she mutters to herself. "Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace, I'm gonna power down so they can't scan me. Once I finish my repairs, I'll come and get you. Good luck down there." she informs him then powers down the ship.

She then turns to Chopper, who hated it when he's powered down, "Sorry buddy, that means you too." she tells him and walks over to the droid. He grumbles as he fought against her, but she flips his switch and off he went. Hera then watches as Tie-fighters were then sent down the planet's surface to look for the clones and rebels, completely passing her. She exhales and leans back in her chair.


"If they follow procedure, they'll fight search patterns base on our last confirmed position," Rex informs them as the holo was beeping. "Or they'll call back," Greager informs them and crosses his arms. "Incoming Imperial transmission, it's for you Wolf," he states and Wolf shot a look at the main computer. "They called back. They-they never calls back," he states as he was surprised. Kadan then scoffs at him, "This is my I never trust clones." he snaps and Mako shot him a look, "Kadan." she exclaims he just crosses his arms. "Just get rid of them, Wolf," Ezra tells him as he, Mako, Kadan, Leto, and Zeb walk over to the side and out of view of the screen. "Yeah, it's my mistake. And I'll fix it," he tells them and turns to the computer.

Agent Kallus appears on the screen. "CC3636. Commander Wolf, is it?" Kallus asks him and Wolf snaps his fingers. "Yep! That's me, hehe, what can I do for you, sir?" Wolf asks him. "Please transmit your coordinates so I can investigate the Jedi sightings you reported." Kallus orders him and Wolf looks at him in surprise, "What, Jedi? Uh-he-no, no. Th-the-there's no Jedi... here. My older cybernetic must be acting up again." Wolf informs him then Rex walks over and wraps his arm around Wolf's shoulder, "Sorry for wasting your time." he tells him as Wolf just smiles. "This image was taken by one of our probe droids." Kallus states as he showed the image of the other day, "It clearly shows you harboring known rebels." Kallus informs him, getting the clone's attention, "Now surrender them or be destroy." Kallus threatens them, Rex pounds his fist into his hand as Wolf cracks his neck. "If it's a fight you want, I hope you brought a class better than those Storm Troopers." Rex taunts him. "They serve the Empire will and I have a great many of them." Kallus throws back at him and Rex leans against the panel.

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