I sighed, nodding nervously.

"Maybe you should take a little nap," she said. "You're gonna need rest."

I nodded, laying down on the couch. She turned on a movie and Frank rushed in.

"Oh god, the babies are coming," he panicked.

"Not quite yet," Linda said. "You two just need to stay calm and relaxed, I'll call your doctor."

She walked off and we sat in front of the tv. I dozed off a bit but soon it was becoming more painful. Frank Sr. was home by that time and I groaned as Frank helped me into the car. We were driving to the hospital when I felt something inside of me that was almost like a pop. There was a trickling and soon I was sitting in a little puddle of water. But it wasn't really water, I knew that.

"M-my water just broke," I whimpered.

"It's okay, sweetheart," she said. "We're almost there."

We pulled up to the hospital and I groaned.

"Okay, Frank Jr, you go grab a wheelchair," Linda said. "Frank Sr, you park the car."

Frank ran in to grab a wheelchair for me and they helped me into it. We were wheeled in and up to the maternity ward. She checked us in and I was thankfully stripped of my wet clothes and instead into a hospital gown. I laid in the bed, whimpering quietly as Frank held my hand.

"Well then, Sweetheart," Dr. Colby said as she walked in. "The day is finally here. How far apart are the contractions?"

"About five minutes and lasting one minute," Linda said.

"And your water has broken, correct?" She asked and I nodded. "Alright then, let's see how far along you are."

She put on a pair of gloves and I cried out from the pain as I felt her fingers between my legs. I thought she was trying to stick her whole hand up inside me.

"Well, looks like you're about three centimeters dilated," she said. "You still have some time to go. But soon you're gonna be medicated."

"No, I-I don't want an epidural," I said.

"Baby, a-are you sure?" Frank asked.

I nodded. "I...I think I wanna do it naturally."

"You can't think, Gee, you have to know because you are about to have two babies," Dr. Colby said.

"No, I do," I said. "I wanna do it naturally."

"Are you sure you wanna do this, Gee?" Linda asked. "It's okay to get an epidural, you're still young and small and carrying twins."

I nodded my head, sighing quietly. A nurse came in, checking my vitals and setting me up with some machines.

"Now you guys will just need to wait here until the labor progresses," Dr. Colby said. "Try to make yourselves comfortable."

She walked out and I whimpered as I held Frank's hand, another contraction starting.

"It's okay, Baby, you're gonna be okay," he said.

"Let me braid your hair, Sweetheart," Linda said. "It'll help keep it out of that pretty face of yours."

She French-braided my hair as Frank Sr. walked in. He sat on the couch in front of the window.

"I'm thirsty," I mumbled.

"Frank, can you go get your girlfriend some ice chips?" Linda asked.

"Ice whats?" Frank asked.

"I'll get it," Frank Sr. said.

He walked out and Linda sighed, gently caressing my cheek.

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