Chapter 45 Part 1

Start from the beginning

Alexis looked shocked by her energy and patted her back gently, "Hi Maisie, It's a pleasure to meet you."

Maisie started rambling about something to do with Alexis's hair, and I took the chance to mind-link Boston, "Where the hell are you?"

"I'm coming. I'm combing my hair."

"For ten minutes?"


"Just get your ass down here. There are only three she-wolves here. One of them is bound to be your mate. So hurry up."

I cut the mind-link off and smiled at the man approaching me, "Max."

Max, otherwise known as Maisie's twin brother, smiled and shook my hand, "How you doin', Hudson?"

"Great. How was South Africa?"

He started talking about how nice the people there were and how they loved Cape Town. I listened patiently but made sure to keep an eye on the three she-wolves – they had to stick around until Boston got up here.

"Max, my man!" 

We turned to look at Boston as he speed-walked up the trail with a wide grin on his face. My eyes widened when I noticed he was wearing a nicely ironed shirt with a tie and was carrying a bouquet of pink roses.

Why didn't I do that when I found Alexis? Oh right, because I was too busy trying to match her up to my 'list of expectations'.

He stopped in front of Max and fist-bumped him, "Long time, no see."

Max nodded at the bouquet, "Those for me? I hate to break it to you, but I prefer petunias."

I snickered and Boston rolled his eyes, "You'll see."

He moved past us and walked towards Matthew, who was checking in the other two she-wolves. I saw him sniff the air and frown in confusion as he approached them. The two she-wolves exchanged a few words with him before walking towards the pack with their duffel bags.  

I glanced at Alexis, who was watching him worriedly as he spoke to Matthew. Maisie followed her gaze and frowned, "Why does Boston have flowers?"

"Excuse us, Max and Maisie. We'll be back. Go settle down. I'm sure your parents are waiting to see you," I said, taking Alexis's hand and pulling her towards Matthew and Boston.

"I don't get it. I smell her. My wolf is excited. All the signs are there," Boston said, staring down at the bouquet sadly.

Suddenly, a car door slammed loudly, causing all of us to flinch. 

A pair of combat boots walked around the truck and my eyes widened in surprise at who it was, "Gracie?"

She nodded at me curtly, "Alpha Hudson."

We watched her walk up to Matthew to check in when she suddenly made eye contact with Boston. Alexis gripped my hand excitedly as the two of them stared at each other. Boston had a big smile on his face as he stepped forward to give her the bouquet, but she turned away.

Alexis let out a quiet gasp as she ignored him and walked over to Matthew, "Can I check in?"

Matthew was staring at her like she grew a second head but swallowed slowly, "Uh, sure."

Once he had crossed her name off the list, she grabbed her duffel bag from the trunk and walked towards the pack without another glance at Boston.

Boston gripped the bouquet of flowers tightly. My heart clenched at the sight of how heartbroken he seemed as he stared at Gracie's retreating back.

"I knew something like this would happen," he said softly, his voice cracking. 

He dropped the bouquet and walked off into the woods before any of us could stop him.

Alexis let go of my hand and started running after Gracie, "You two check on Boston! I'm going to go see Gracie." 

I exchanged a look with Matthew and he nodded, looking extremely perturbed by the situation.

We shifted into our wolves and took after Boston.

Hey loves! Talk about deja vu, huh? Except this time the she-wolf walked away from the wolf. What do you think of Gracie? Why do you think Gracie walked away? And what about Maisie and Max?

I want to remind you guys that no one knows who Gracie is. Hudson knows her, but you guys don't. You'll get to know her better in the next chapter. 


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