


I ignored it, thinking it was a tree. But I kept on hearing the tapping noise. Over and over.




Gradually every time, it got louder, and I started to get highly annoyed by the noise.

I walked over to the window, with sauce still on the side of my mouth and on my fingers from eating.

When I saw.


He motioned me to open the latch of the window.

I did as I was told, and opened the window for him.

He hopped into my room like it was natural, and stretched his back a bit.

Then I happened to see that he was shirtless, and had ripped bleached shorts on (oddly the same as the pants he was wearing today), and no shoes, but still had his sunglasses on from earlier.

I couldn't keep my eyes off his body. This boy was surely in shape. Abs and everything.

"W-what the hell?!" I semi shouted while still staring his body up and down.

"See something you like?" He asked questionably.

I shook my head to stop my staring.

"Why did you just climb through my window?" I asked.

"We'll, where I'm from, we don't use front doors." He smirked and laughed with his head down.

"Haha, very funny. And you don't even know my address. How the hell you find my house?" I asked while still highly upset.

"Oh, u-ummm..." He said while looking around my room, trying to come up with an answer.


"I j-just know things?" Chres managed to get out.

I knew he was lying, but I brushed it off .

He could've just told me, it's not like I was going to be mad.

We'll, I was mad, but I was mad because he hopped through my damn window like it was normal or something.

For why?

"Where's your shirt and shoes? And what happened to your pants?"

I continued to ask questions.

"Shhh...." Chres said, putting a finger to my lips.

I blushed a little and centered my eyes on his finger, and shut my eyes.

"You talk too much." He laughed. "I just came to see if you got home safely."

He cares about me?

I smiled and looked down, acting bashful.

He smiled back at me, and sniffed the air. A little too much.

"Ooo you have food!" He yelled excitingly as he ran over to my bed and picked up my enchilada.

"Aye! stop, I just got that from downstairs." I yelled at him.

He shoved it all the way into his mouth and immediately swallowed it all like he hasn't ate in days.

I heard him smacking in the back round, which was annoying me since he decided to eat the rest of the plate.

"That's some good food, got any more?" He asked me with an innocent face like he didn't just eat my dinner.

"No. Not at all." I said with the best straight face I could make before I plopped down on my bed and snuggled in the sheets.

He sat next to me and licked the rest of his fingers.

I sat there, glaring at him. I only had A burrito.

"You mad or something?" He asked.

"Yeah. You ate my dinner for tonight." I said with an attitude in my voice.

"Oh, that was your dinner? Sorry, I have a huge appetite. I'll make it up to you." He smiled.

I looked the other way, still upset.

He slid over and slid bit of his hands around my waist, rocking me back and forth.

"Sorry Jakey." Chresanto mumbled in my ear.

I couldn't help but smile to myself when he said that. He's like a cuddly little teddy bear!

"Whatever."I giggled.

I still don't get why he cares so much.

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