I didn't have time to deal with Adham's ass that was shoved with a cactus.

But, I had to kiss my plans goodbye when I saw Adham with his hands crossed over his chest as he leered at his object of scorn. Me.

I smirked and crossed my hand over my chest to imitate his actions. I outstare him defiantly.

"Why are you late?" he asked maintaining his emotionless stance.

"I had to do something." I replied vaguely. He rolled his eyes.

"Look, I don't have time for silly business." He stated.

"Nor do I." I shrugged before I attempted to walk past him only to be pushed back to my previous place.

He shot me a glare.

"Listen very carefully." he hissed. "I won't be in town for a few weeks. I'll be going to London." He informed and that's when I was interested in what he had to say.

"The Meshoufs have invited me to London and stay with them in their gang house providing security and all the high-class facilities." He informed. I raised my eyebrow at him to get to the point.

"The gang which came in few days before is a very powerful gang in London, like you already know. We have a business to complete. For that, I must go there and get something which I need, so I can come back and do what they expect from me." He explained.

I just shrugged. "Fine with me," I said and once again tried to walk away only for him to pull me back with my arm, again.

I groaned, frustrated.

"When I go, I want you to behave." He hissed. "And don't whore yourself to people like you usually do."

I scoffed. That was so ironic of him to say considering what he did to my sister.

I shrugged anyways and walked away. And this time, he didn't seem to hinder.

I climbed up the stairs and plopped on my bed.

This is going to be fun. I thought.

The whole mansion to myself... I don't need to worry about doing anything. heck! I can even walk naked!

Okay, Nevermind. I forget that a couple of maids and butlers will be accompanying too. Well, I still can live according to my wish with no one questioning it for a few weeks.

So, Cheers to that.

I open my textbooks and my notebook and started taking notes on the topic we were learning in Biology and did the homework I had alongside.

In a couple of hours, I finished all my pending work as I plopped on my bed with a sigh.

My back hurt from sitting up for a long time.

I tried to reach my back to massage only to end up looking like a constipated wingless penguin.

I sighed frustrated and got up from my bed.

'Maybe a walk outside and some stretching might help.' I nodded to myself and decided to head out.

1...2 and.... 3!


I plopped on the ground and rolled to my back. My arms were folded over the back of my head as I struggled to maintain the uneven gasps of breath. My chest moved up and down like the disastrous wave of tsunami.

I had gone to the training center owned by Calvin after I had my small run. I thought I might as well train for some time while I have time; so I decided to head there.

Blaire ✔ (Not edited)Where stories live. Discover now