Cinnamon and Vanilla

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Amazing. That's the only word for this place. Well maybe there are other words, but right now I'm in awe. The city is still standing. I mean we expected to find something, but not intact buildings. This will be huge for the academic community.

My heart is beating a tattoo on the inside of my chest when my feet touch semi solid ground. As I climb the slope to dry land currents of electricity charge the air. I know it should be impossible since the cavern has been buried for almost two centuries, but I can almost taste the anxiety and excitement on a breeze drifting through the air. Oddly enough it almost tastes like vanilla and cinnamon.

I start to walk out of the water, unable to draw my eyes from the structures before me. This is what I've spent the last three years working on. This is what saved me from the damage my so called family caused. This is the reason the water calls to me. I can feel it in my chest. Something about this lost city welcomes me like one of Phil's hugs.

"Sang, Sang! Are you with us?" Speaking of Phil, there he is. He probably asked me a question.

I shake myself out of my trance and look down at my feet to watch where I'm stepping. Dust catches in my headlamp and the water sparkles around my feet. Remembering that I'm standing in open air I check my oxygen analyzer. "Yeah Phil. I'm here. But hold on a minute. Do you see this? Surprisingly, the air is clear here. And the pressure isn't even that bad."

Phil chuckles. "That's what I was asking, space case. Good to know your subconscious is still listening."

Fighting the urge to stick my tongue out I grumble as I step fully onto dry land. Rivulets of water run from my suit, darkening the ground beneath me. I check the monitor one more time before pulling off my mask. The tension increases in the space around me and I'm sure it's my own anxiousness about being able to breath in such a space. I am the only one here after all.

Once my mask is off, I take the hood off as well and shake out my hair. I lift the mask once more to speak to Phil. "The air seems to be fine. Fresh almost for being down here for centuries. I wonder if there's a tunnel system feeding it fresh air."

"Maybe. We'll have to explore later though. I want to bring extra oxygen tanks just in case. We aren't certain how long that air would last with all of us there." I listen to Phil as I begin to unclasp my heavy vest. Laying it next to the Squid, I stretch as I stand back up. The eerie feeling of being watched tickles the back of my neck, but I brush it off as being the first to set foot in such a place. Ghosts of what use to be must haunt the long dead city.

The mask is still in my hand and unfortunately I'll have to wear it if I want the boat to see what I see. I glance around and grin as I recognize the carved writing for a shoe shop. Another sign advertising clothing hangs loosely from a single hook.

“Phil, you aren't going to believe this. Actually maybe you can, but you need to get down here.” Seconds after I speak I feel the air shift and jerk my head in that direction. I know there's nothing here, I can see that nothing is there, but I swear I heard something like a shoe scuffling against the ground.

"Well maybe I could if you put the mask back on, woman." I drag my eyes from the sound and start to replace my mask. "Geez, it's like you're purposely teasing us." I know he's only joking, but I can hear Jay in the background yelling at me to "Put the d*mn helmet on".

With a huff, I adjust the mask so that the camera can focus. That feeling of being watched is back and I glance back at where I thought I heard the sound. I also look to my opposite side in search of another pair of eyes, but shrug it off again. It's because I'm alone in a dark place, that's all. Too many memories trying to push through.

"Better? And can you tell Jay to stop yelling. I can hear him from here." Phil snorts and I start to walk deeper into the city. Dust scatters from my feet, but my small steps keep it from obscuring my view of my surroundings. "Do you see that? The signs are still intact. Maybe there are articles of clothing still intact? I wonder what kind of fibers they used."

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