"So what about this coin?

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"Okay Karen, can you bring up the microscope camera. Then everyone can see at once." Phil directs from his seat next to the machine.

Karen sits at the computer and taps out the command. On the large screen in front of us the video feed of the coin is brought up. The outline of a head is all that can be seen, but that's enough for us all. Karen gasps as she zooms in a little. Rocky grunts and leans forward. Jay's eyes widen before he shoots me an accusatory glare.

"This is what you found today isn't it." He practically spits at me. "You should have shown me." He looks a little hurt and the guilt starts creeping in. I really should have shared, but I needed Phil to see it first.

"Now Jay, calm down." Phil interjects. He casts me an understanding glance. "Sang decided to show me first. I'm sorry. Maybe we should have looked at this over dinner instead."

Jay sighs, running a hand through his hair before leaning back into his seat. "Yeah, sorry. It's just... It's been a while since we've found anything."

"I know Jay. I'm sorry. I should have shared." I say. It's not a good explanation, but how do I explain that I wanted my surrogate father to see it first?

"Whatever. So what about this coin?" He asks. Just like that all of our attention is on our sponsor and fellow researcher.

"Well it's cast in gold as was common then." Phil begins. "The weird thing is that it should have been more worn down than this." He moves the microscope lens a little, making the head zoom in.

"Look right here though." The tip of a pointer enters the screen. "It used to say something. If we find more we'll have to see if that's more visible." We all nod our heads. After our initial shock each of us had grabbed a notebook to write down our observations.

"Ok. Thoughts on this side?" Phil asks.

Silence answers him as each of us continue writing. Both Jay and Rocky finish before Karen and I since we know more about the ancient world.

"Where's this from?" Rocky asks the million dollar question.

Phil gets a sh*t eating grin. "You'll have to wait till everyone is done writing." He nods a head to Karen and I.

"Hurry up." Jay grunts from his seat and Rocky nods his head.

"Rocky hasn't been this excited since the first he saw his girl in a bikini."

I physically cringe before looking up. "You need to do more with your life then Rocky if that's the last time you were enthused."

"You just looked so hot Babe that Rocky thinks of it often." He licks his lips and I shudder away. I write a few more of my thoughts down while ignoring the heated stare coming from his pale blue eyes.

Studiously avoiding Rocky's gaze, I look up and give Phil a nod. "I'm ready."

"Me too." Karen says from behind me.

"Okay, hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen." Phil announces to us, dramatic flair and all. "We finally have concrete proof."

He flips the coin over revealing the Latin all of us recognize.

Silence weighs heavily over our heads as we take in the words that will change history. Unless this coin is forged then we have the definitive evidence that Atlantis is real. And now we have a place to search.

"Holy sh*t!" Someone whispers, finally breaking the silence. All of us nod in agreement and I look around the room.

Jay is staring at the screen with a glare that could rival Rocky's ego. It isn't mean, but you can tell he is caught up in his thoughts. His gaze switches between the screen and Phil, as if he's struggling to stay in his seat and avoid examining it himself.

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