"This was not the right moment to get engaged."

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"Don't let your girlfriend hear you ask that. You'll be in the dog house for weeks." I smirk at my friend.

"Ah, but here's the thing. She'll never know if you don't tell her." He says conspiratorially while winking at me and tightens his grip around the girl in his arms.

The girl tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder and shrugs his arm off. "It doesn't bode well if you let me overhear your proposal anyway." Frowning at him in jest. "But I guess I could forgive you if it's Sang. I'd propose to her too." She winks at me and we all burst into laughter.

"Aww, I've missed you guys! So when's your marriage happening. If Mike's proposing to me again he must have asked you a hundred times over by now April." I say with a wide smile.

Bright blue eyes shine up at me with a hint of mischief. "He has, but how can I take it seriously when he asks the next blonde he sees the same question?" She throws an elbow into his side and he doubles over like he's wounded.

"My heart!" Mike cries, faux anguish masking his smile, "I've been wounded by the love of my life. How frivolous she must think me be if she believes it's every blonde I see." Finally straightening, he sets his face to severe seriousness. "I only ever ask the most beautiful ones."

Laughing at his antics, I lean forward, "You must be blind to think anyone is more beautiful than April."

Mike's face pales making his freckles stand out. "Sh*t! I didn't think of it like that!" He turns and gathers April in his arms. "I'm sorry Baby! I love you so much, will you marry me?"

April chuckles and pushes her head out from his chest. "I can't breath Mike!" After pounding a fist on his chest and he finally releases her. "Ask again. This was not the right moment to get engaged."

"Oh d*mn. You're right." Mike sighs before smiling at me. "So how did you end up here? I doubt you came willingly."

"You're right. I was told I needed to find someone to bed me." I roll my eyes and both he and April laugh.

"That sounds like Karen." April says between breaths. "She's very worried about wether your needs are met or not." She wiggles her eyebrows and tosses me a knowing smirk.

"My needs are none of her concern!" I cry, tossing my hands up. "She should worry more about Sarah's needs."

"Oh my needs are met just fine, love." A light voice sounds from behind. Sarah smirks and pulls a grinning Karen with her to the table. "Except I need a drink now. I'm not tipsy enough."

Karen nods and slips off to the bar. When she returns I lean towards the two couples. "So what's a group of treasure hunters hanging around here for? I haven't heard any news on the search front for a while."

Karen and I share a loaded glance before returning our attention to our red haired friend. Mike shakes his head and smirks.

"We aren't the only group lingering nearby." He tilts his head to the dance floor and we all turn to look. "Greg and his crew are here too. Jay should be happy, his sister is in town." Sarcasm laces is voice as his face takes on a slight frown.

On the dance floor are two people each of us regard with distrust. A tall, thin man gyrates with a smirk. His thin goatee makes his face look even longer and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Just by seeing him I remember the smell of his terrible cologne he uses to mask the menthol cigarettes.

The tall woman next to him sways with confidence. Her raven hair moves with the beat as her cold brown eyes scan the dance floor for a target. She must have found someone as she smirks and starts stalking her way across the room.

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