"Tail feathers? Really Phil?"

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The door slams against the wall and I jump from my seat on the couch. Rocky stumbles in, his wrinkled clothes the same ones he was wearing two days ago. He blinks in my direction, but I'm not sure he's even looking at me. His pale blue eyes are glazed over and he can barely stand straight.

"Rocky, are you alright?" I ask, pushing myself off the couch. "Jay said you decided to stay in town. Did something happen?"

He blinks again and I finally see his eyes focus on me. "Yeah. Yeah, Rocky's fine." His forehead creases and he looks down to stare at his shoes. "I am fine, right?"

My lips tighten into hard line and I raise a hand to his head. He jumps from the unexpected contact, but stills once he sees my worry lines. "You're a little warm. What were you doing for the last two days?"

Any relief he felt entering the house vanishes and a flicker of fear runs though his eyes. He takes a step back and runs a hand through his already mussed up hair. "I... I was at Jay's family's house." He drops his gaze and glares at the floor. "Then I... then... I um, that's all I remember. Why is that all I remember?" He looks back at me, confusion and worry seeping into every line of his body.

"Rocky. Hey, calm down." I reach a hand towards him, but he steps back. A small bout of fear races through me at the reaction, but I push it back. There aren't any signs of physical abuse. He's okay. He's a big guy, right? He's okay? "Let's go get Phil. We can call Jay down too, alright? He might be able to fill in the missing blanks."

He glances behind me before nodding. I step to the side and motion towards the couch. He gives me one more nod and steps forward. Once he's on the couch, he drops his head into his hands and leans against his knees. I watch him for just a moment before rushing upstairs for Jay. Phil should be outside, but I don't want Rocky alone for long. Something's happened and he needs someone he's comfortable with nearby.

As I reach the top step I turn right and knock heavily against the white door. A curse is muffled through the wood, but I ignore it as I shift on the balls of my feet.

"No Sang, I am not going to play your stupid game," he says as he opens the door. He's already glaring at me, but his face softens to concern as he takes in my appearance. "What's wrong?"

"I, um, I don't know. Rocky just came back and I'm not sure what to do for him." I point down the stairs and he follows my finger before looking back at me. "Somethings wrong and he, I don't think he should be alone."

Jay scans me once again as I step back, out of his way. He searches my face before making his way down the stairs. I let out a sigh of relief and follow behind. As he makes his way towards Rocky I turn and head towards the back door to find Phil.

Something must really be wrong. It's always a little shocking when he doesn't refer to himself in third person. Its even more startling when he speaks correctly for more than a sentence. It's frightening to see Rocky so shaken, and it makes me worried something serious might have happened.

After finding Phil and telling him what happened, I watch as he rushes inside. The crack of the screen door slamming shut makes me wince and I wrapped my arms around my torso. I stare at the stationary doors, taking in deep breaths and listening to my heart thud against my ribs. Whatever happened the last two days wasn't good.


"Sang, stop dancing and bring me that box." Phil calls from his place on the boat.

I give one more wiggle of my butt before sticking my tongue out at him. "You're just jealous of my moves, Phil. I'm sorry you're unable to look as good as me when you dance." Smirking, I bend down and lift the box he asked for.

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