Your Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Others Experience (Part 34)

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You were sleeping peacefully in one of Delbert’s spare rooms when you began to have a strange dream. You were in a place that you felt like you knew, but were sure you had never seen before.

Everything was shiny white, and very clean looking. It was so clean because there was nothing there. You got the impression there were doors all around you in this corridor, as there were indents that looked like handles to push the doors open with, but everyone you tired was locked. You just decided to keep going, as trying the doors was getting you nowhere.
You followed the hallway back in one direction, and eventually wound up at a rather grand staircase, and you had the choice of either going up or down. As down is easier, you went down. You followed the stairs down to the bottom, getting slightly dizzy when you tried to hurry down the spiraling stairs. While the stairs themselves were the same shiny, white plastic like material, the walls over looking the entire premise were a purple gray color. The room you were in was massive, you couldn’t even see the end of the gray wall. All you could see was the ever-approaching floor as you traveled farther and farther down.

You finally made it to the bottom of the steps, and began to walk down the first corridor you came by. You only walked a shot while before you began to notice bars in the walls, with rooms behind them, like prison cells. They were all vacant, and you were beginning to wonder if there was anyone there, when you noticed a few feet down, there was a person in one of the cells. However, the closer you got, the more strangely you felt. Your limbs ached, you felt weak, and your vision blurred. You rushed over, “Hello?” you called out, still unable to make out the persons appearance. They were hazy, like something was wrong with your vision.

“Are you going to talk?” A dark mans voice asked from behind you. You jumped, turned to look and see who was there, but saw no one.

“I’ll never…speak to you…” The prisoner choked out, his voice was rough, hoarse, and dry, but unmistakably familiar.

“It’s a pity. I would let you go if you just told me where she was. You could see your family again, your friends, everyon—”

“Shut up!” You vision cleared as he yelled, and you fell back to your butt as you recognized the guy in the cell tobe Roxas.

“Just talk!” The man you couldn’t see yelled.

"F*** you!” Roxas yelled, he was completely enraged, but at the same time, he was so exhausted that he was wearing himself out by acting so agressivly.

“Roxy…” You whispered, crawling closer, he looked thin, and sounded in desperate need of something to drink. You looked into his clear blue eyes, and noticed that something was different, and not just the redness. Those bloodshot eyes seemed different from Roxas’ but you couldn’t place how exactly. Roxas began to cough, and fell to his hands and knees.

“Very well then.” The man said, and he stepped through you  over to the cell door, opening it up. As he stepped out in front of you, you were able to make him out as an older man in a lab coat, with a long dark ponytail.

“Run…get out, get away!” you begged Roxas, the door was open, nothing was stopping him but the old man.

“Time for the eteranl slumber then.” The man said, pulling out a syringe and walking closer to Roxas.

“no…NO!” You yelled, reaching forward, jumping up to stop him….then you woke up on the ground, having fallen from your bed. You waited until your breathing returned to normal before sitting up.  You leaned against the bed and grabbed your phone from the nightstand, scrolling through for the first name you saw of someone in close contact with Roxas, unable to shake the horrible feeling from your gut. The first name you came to was Riku.  You immediately hit the send button and held the phone up to your ear.

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