Your FF/KH/Others Experience (Part 20)

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You had been riding your mighty Gippal steed home when Zack asked, “So what movie are we watching?”

“I don’t really know. Cloud was the one with the plan.” After a moment of thought you decided that it really could be anything. “It’s just him, Tifa and Yuffie, so it could be a chick flick, but then Reno and Vincent are coming over later, so it could be some action movie.”

“Who can say?” Zack mused, walking with his hands behind his head.

When you finally got to your driveway, you hopped off Gippal’s back and made for the door. You walked inside and saw that Yuffie was sitting on the L shaped couch with a big bowl of popcorn in her hand. The two boys made for the couch, but you headed up to your room to change.

“What’re we watching?” You heard Gippal ask.

“P.S. I love you.” Tifa said, sounding sad.

“Oh…what?” Zack asked completely clueless, and Cloud just sighed. You laughed as you continued up the steps to your room.

You came downstairs just in time to see Zack and Gippal getting fussy.

“This is terrible.”

“She’s not even hot!”

“That’s not the point, their love was all that mattered.” Tifa explained. You walked down stairs and saw that Gippal was sitting upside down on the couch.

“Cloudy, let’s go watching something else!” Gippal whined.

“Sweet god yes.” Cloud breathed, and the boys got up.

“Fine then…You go get your sausage fest on while we watch a quality movie. Care to join us, ≈≈≈≈?” Yuffie asked. You took one look at the TV screen.

“No way.”

“Awww snap.” Gippal mused as he walked up the stairs.

“See? Nobody normal wants to watch that.” Zack commented.

“Maybe ≈≈≈≈’s not normal.” Yuffie remarked.

“Hey!” You defended yourself. You just really weren’t used to watching movies like that because your best friend from Midgar was a boy. He would have given you sh*t for a month for even thinking about watching a movie like that. It was just an old habit to be disgusted by chick-flicks.

Cloud lead you up to the third floor game room, where there was a massive TV, movie chairs, and a few beanbags littered about. Zack ran to the mini-fridge and got out some sodas, and then he made some popcorn. Gippal and you raced for the beanbag chairs, and Cloud went to look at movies. As it started, you began to question Clouds taste in movies. You weren’t sure what it was exactly it was that he picked, but at least 10 people were murdered brutally in the first scene alone.

“Hey guys!” Reno greeted, walking into the room with Vincent. No one responded to him, as you were all enthralled by what was happening. Soon enough Tifa and Yuffie walked in—either their movie finished or they got lonely—and Tifa sat by Cloud, next to Vincent and began to snuggle him as the scary bits went by, while Yuffie sat on the back of the chouch.

Something made everyone jump, except for Vincent maybe, and Cloud was probably more startled by Tifa jumping then the actual scene. Anyway, you and Gippal both lost your balance on your beanbag chairs, and Gippal fell off and you rolled down to the floor.

“Ha-ha!” Yuffie sang, throwing herself over your seats. You were too busy watching to care that she stole your seats. You both crawled closer to the screen and watched from your bellies a few feet away from the TV.

The room went dark as the main character entered the dark building, and then there was a knock at the door. You and Gippal screamed while Zack chucked the popcorn everywhere and Yuffie fell off the beanbag.

“Sorry! Sorry…” Roxas apologized walking in.

“Oh…It’s just Roxas…Whew…” Gippal breathed in relief, releasing you, as he had grabbed you in a fit of fear.

“Come on, sit, and join the party.” Zack said.

“Over here!” Yuffie called. He sat on the floor with his back against the couch that was all full up. Vincent had his feet up and he was leaning on the left armrest, and Cloud and Tifa were cuddled together on the right, and Zack was sitting on the top of the couch with his legs on the cushion. You sat up, and crawled back over to where Roxas was. “Hey, what’s going on?” You greeted.

“SHHH!” You made the mistake of sitting near Zack, and he kicked you lightly from his spot on the couch back.

“Nothing, I just thought that I would come see if you made it home from school okay.” Roxas explained, elbowing back at Zack, who tried to kick him aswell.

“That’s my little Roxalbee. Such a sweetie, and cute as a button too. Look at you all frazzled from scaring everyone.” Yuffie cooed as she reached over and pinched his cheek.

“SHUT UP!” Gippal and Zack yelled simultaneously, Gippal glancing back and giving her a look and Zack threw some popcorn at her.

When the movie finally ended, Zack checked the time, “3:37.”

“We should get ready to go.” Gippal announced.

“Go where?” Yuffie asked.

“The lake.” Zack said standing up.

“Bpf bigsm fig ecss ped?”(“Why would you tell her?”) Gippal said, you didn’t know what, but he sounded fussy.

“Shut up man, you know I don’t understand your gibberish.” Zack sighed.

“Racist…” Gippal mumbled.

“ANYWAY, it sounds fun, can I tag along?” Yuffie asked.

“Sure, why not?” Roxas said uncomfortably, looking pressured, as Yuffie stood with her hands on her hips in front of him.

“Shweet.” She celebrated, and you all dashed off to get ready.

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