Chapter 107

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Don't be alarmed if the opening seems strange, it's supposed to. Enjoy! 


It was over. It was finally over. Roxas couldn't believe it. The massive monstrosity Sephiroth had created was giving off waves of bright glowing light as it took it's last few breaths. He looked around, and saw that everyone seemed to be okay.

Durring the fight, everyone got separated. The circular cavern had platforms at all different heights surrounding the leviathan of a monster, and everyone seemed to be spread out on the platforms, all watching with relieved amazement as it began to disperse into brightly colored pyreflies.

 He was on one of the lowest platforms, and was searching up above him, just to make sure he could see everyone. Zack was on one of the highest, and he couldn't see very much of him, but below him was Riku, holding his arm but alive and well, watching in wonder as the fight was finally over. Gippal was on the opposite side of the carven, but at the same height as Riku, and he was leaping happily, shouting things up to Zack, who was responding just as excitedly. Ven was below Gippal quite a way, and he seemed to be staring at the light display in disbelief. He couldn't see directly across from him, as the giant glowing creature was there, so he couldn't see everyone, but he guessed by how happy everyone seemed that no one was dead. Everyone was hurt, and despite the distance, he could see the blood on just about all of them.

His eyes kept scanning, looking for something desperately. Then he found you, a few platforms above him to the right. You were down on one knee, holding your stomach as you gazed out in astonishment at the humdinger. He could tell by the way your shoulders rose and dropped heavily that you were breathing hard, but he thought you seemed to be okay.

"≈≈≈≈≈!" He called, and you pulled your eyes away from the spectacle and began looking around for the source of the call. He began to wave his arm slowly, catching your attention and you smiled and stood up, pulling off the magic enhancing gloves you had been wearing for the fight, and tucking them into your belt. You walked to the edge of your platform and he saw your heels click together, activating the anti-gravity enhancing shoes.

"No don--" He began, thinking that you might be hurt, but you obviously didn't hear him, or or the other, as you flipped down to his platform, landing rather harshly. A small crater formed where you dented the metal of the platform when you landed. You didn't stand right away, and he saw your legs shake a bit.

That wasn't supposed to happen. The shoes had sensors that kept you from feeling anything of the impact, but he knew from past experience that you could break the sensors...but only after a great deal of trauma... 

His mind was put at ease though when you looked up and smiled at him, saying "Oops." lightly as you stood up and stepped out of your littler crater.

"You are an idiot, you know that?" He asked, as you grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "I know." You sighed contently, turning your head to look at the lights again. He pulled back a bit, so he could get a good look at you. The waves of light played on your face, and sparkled in your eyes.

"We did it, huh?" You said, still watching the pyreflies form, then looking back at him to smile. He thought very much about kissing you, but as your attention went back to the lights, he didn't.

He just held you closer and said, "I guess we did."

"Hey," You pulled away from him and looked down at the watch-like contraption on your wrist, "I do believe you have a promise to keep." You said, hitting a button on the watch, and it seemed to pop up from its flat position into a circular gauge, and you turned it and it beeped, then, satisfied, you clamped your hand down on it and it closed.

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