Chapter 120

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~~WWWWAAAAAHHH!!!! I'm so much for weekend posts...heh, oops. Anyway! Here you go, better late than never!!~~  

Your alarm went off early in the morning and your eyes fluttered open bitterly. You had to get up before Ichigo and Renee so you could get to school early to turn in the dance proposal to Saix. You needed him to review it and get it back to you before lunch so you could either revise it or announce to the student council that it had gone through.

You hopped out your window onto a tree branch and walked over to Riku’s window, where you saw he was awake and doing homework over at his desk. There was a soccer game tonight, so he was working ahead on some stuff so he could actually get some sleep tonight. You tapped on the window and he let you in.

“So, here it is. Will you look it over while I get ready? I was planning on leaving soon.”

“Sure, hand it over,” He said, taking a sip of the coffee that was sitting on the stack of books. He took the papers from you and you stole his coffee cup while he was reading.

“I see you,” He scolded, and you sighed.

“Fine. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” You said, taking one final sip of his coffee before setting it down and heading back to your room. You got dressed and packed yourself some gym clothes before heading into the bathroom to get your face and hair sorted. After letting Renee do your makeup so many times, you began to get kind of attached to the shimmery stuff. You’d never tell her, but you kinda liked the way it made you look.

You finished getting ready by putting your socks and shoes on and grabbing your backpack, then you walked the tree back to Riku’s room. You took the cup of coffee again and stood behind him to read over what he was doing.

“You misspelled February…but other than that everything looks good.”

“What? No I didn’t. Febuary.”

“There are two R’s. It’s spelled Feb-ru-ary.”

“…That’s stupid.”

“Can you spell Wednesday?”

“Shut up, asshat,” You growled, finishing his coffee before taking the papers and walking over to the window.

“See you in history—Hey!” He whined when he saw that you drank all his coffee.

“Bye!” You grinned as you hopped out the window, activating your shoes as you fell so you could land softly on your feet.

Across the street, you saw Demyx’s front door open and a blonde boy who looked like a younger version of him walked out.

“Jack! C’mon, let’s go,” Someone yelled from a few houses up. You looked ahead and saw Nine and some other guy sitting on the front porch of a fairly large house a block down.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” The mini-Demyx replied, and you walked out to your driveway and watched as the three boys met up.

“Where’s Eight?” He asked.

“He said he was sleepy. He’s not going in early today,” The tall guy that you didn’t know replied.

“What? Are you kidding? We have to set up! There’s no way he’s skimping out on us—”

“Nine, isn’t that your girlfriend?” He interrupted Jack’s fussing by pointing at you. He was the only one facing you, so the others had to turn around to see you.  

“I don’t have a—oh, morning prez.”

“Hey ≈≈≈≈≈≈!” Mini-Demyx waved, and you waved back as you passed them.

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