Chapter 121

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The game had just started, and Roxas just got pelted in the stomach with the ball. He doubled over and coughed while Gadot ran past him to get the ball that bounced off his stomach. Riku got there first, and slid to the ground to hook a foot around the ball. Gadot tripped over Riku’s leg and faceplanted while Riku kicked the ball forward to King. Gadot rolled over his shoulder then sat on the ground for a second, trying to figure out what just happened while King got farther down the field towards the goal. The HB defense swarmed King, and he was forced to kick the ball over to Nine, who kicked it back to Roxas, who was pissed as hell and ready to knock some heads in.

Yuj was Roxas’ defender, and he shoved Roxas slyly so the ref wouldn’t see while he tried to get the ball.

“Let’s fucking go Rox!” You yelled from the stands, more into this game than you had ever been for any sports game. Those guys harassed you. It was personal. You were kind of happy you weren’t out there…you probably would have fouled out from trying to beat them up.

“Calm down now.” Ichigo scolded you as you started cheering again while Roxas passed off to Riku and they got closer to the goal. Riku got stuck, and had to pass back to Roxas.

Yuj and this other guys teamed up to stop him, and he just barely got to kick the ball back to Nine before they shoved him down. The ref blew his whistle, and tried to keep Roxas and Yuj separate as Roxas got up and started yelling. The ref made some gesture, and everyone lined up for a penalty kick.

“Come on Roxas!” You bellowed as he lined up to take his kick.

“Sit down retard.” Renee rolled her eyes as you hopped down from your seat over to the railing. You were too excited to sit. Sice walked up with another girl with shoulder length silver hair, and Fang.

“Come on cockatoo! Kick those dickheads’ balls in!” Sice yelled, and nearly everyone on the field turned to look over at her. She gave them the finger when they did, and you couldn’t help but laugh as Axel yelled back at her to shut up. Roxas looked over too as he got ready to take his kick, and he smiled and shook his head. Even in this tense situation, he still smiled up at you. The ref blew his whistle and Roxas turned his attention back to the game. He ran and took his kick, nailing their goalie in the fingers. The ball slipped between his hands, hit him in the head, then bounced into the goal.

“Fuck yeah!” Sice yelled, while you yelled out chants. Ichigo stood up and hopped down to where you were and he even yelled something. Everyone in the crowd was going crazy, and Roxas turned and took a bow, causing even more cheers, and some heated looks from the other team.

The ball was put back in the center, and Gadot kicked it off again, this time actually kicking it over to Yuj.

Yuj ran down the field, and was stopped by Axel, who kicked the ball over to Elliot, who sent it up to RIku.

“Cockblock! Let’s go Ax!” Sice yelled and her friend facepalmed.

“Oh, ≈≈≈≈≈≈, this is Seven. She’s one of the roommates in the numbers house.“ Fang introduced you, and the girl dipped her head in acknowledgement.

“Yeah, but she’s not a pussy ass bitch.”

“That’s Sice’s way of giving a compliment.” Seven sighed with a smile.

“The hell is that not a foul!?!?!” Ichigo hollered, and you looked back at the field and saw that RIku and Axel were on the ground, and Yuj was making for the goal with no defense on him. Nine and Roxas were hauling ass to get down to that end of the field while King held back so they had someone to pass to if they got the ball back….they didn’t. Yuj kicked off to Gadot, who plowed through the rest of your defense, then he passed off to Yuj before charging at Eight.

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