Your Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Others Experience (Part 32)

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After waking up, you quickly got ready then left with Zack and Gippal for the briefing room. You settled into the room standing between the two of them as you faced Caith, who was sitting in a large armchair, making himself look smaller.

“Welcome and good morning. We have begun pulling the stronger groups, the more capable groups, for missions around the worlds.”

“Hi-fives for competency.” Gippal laughed, but you and Zack just looked at him until he felt awkward enough to put his hands down. “What?” He fussed at your grumpy looks. Zack lifted a hand to meet Gippal’s, but he ‘missed’ and smacked him in the forehead instead.

“Oh yeah….we’re competent.” You rubbed your eyes.

“Come now, try to pay attention.” Caith scolded you all, “We are sending you to Montressor as a search party. You will be looking for the king, or any traces of him. We have not clue where he is, so we are sending you somewhere where we have decided it is possible that he might be. Take as long as you need, the course has been preset on your ship. Leave when ready.” He finished up by dismissing you and Gippal, asking Zack to stay behind, saying that he had things to further discuss with the group leader.

“I guess it’s fine at least one of us should know what we’re doing.” You responded to Gippal after he fussed about being left out of important information. You walked out of the briefing room and down some stairs into the main hall of the large mansion in Guadosalam. You sat on a bench against the wall as Gippal paced.

“This is ridiculous.” Gippal sighed, finally taking a seat by you.

“What is?” You asked.

“This whole trip. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love it, but come on. How desperate do the adults have to be to not only ship the kids away, but ask the older ones to help them look for their king. They’re freaked. Caith is never this uptight.”

“You’re stupid.” You responded, not wanting to think about it really.

You were pulled from your thoughts by Kiba leaping over the banister and landing on the ground a few feet from you before sprinting out the main door.

“What was that about?” Gippal questioned looking around for an explination.

Suddenly Ino ran down the stairs, yelling “Get back here!” and charging out of the house after Kiba.

“That.” Shikamaru said as he walked down the stairs, looking like he had a headache.

“What’s going on?” You asked as Shika reached the bottom of the stairs.
“You need to ask?”

“You couldn’t hear all that, ya know?”

“Loud mouths.” Seifer, Rai, and Fuu all said as they walked down the other side of the stairs.

“Hey beautiful.” Seifer said when he saw you.

“Aw, don’t flatter me.” Gippal snarked.

“Not you dummy, ya know?” Rai said and Gippal just gave him a look that asked ‘are you retarded?’

“Right. I had almost forgot that you guys were idiots.” Shika said smirking.

“Whatever ponytail.” Seifer said brushing past him to get outside.

“See you later, ya know?” Ria waved at you as he walked out.

“Later.” Fuu said, following.

“Weirdos.” Gippal said closing his eyes and putting his hands behind his head.

“Well, I better get going before Ino kills him.” Shika sighed, walking out.

“See you.” You said as he exited, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

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