Chapter 23.

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"You're just a small bump unborn; in four months, you're brought to life..."

(Ed Sheeran - Small Bump)


If what Eli said is true, I have to tell Hayden before something terrible can happen. The only problem is, I have no clue how to tell Hayden about everything he shared with me. I don't think Eli is doing it to get back at him for sleeping with his girlfriend three years ago.  I don't even know why he came to me instead of going straight to him, but I have to figure out if it's something worth Hayden stressing over.

He will never believe Eli's story. Hell, I don't even know if I believe it. I need to have proof. I have to get a DNA test done. 

Although I once told Hayden that I wouldn't make any decisions regarding Naomi without him, this is one I know he would never entertain. I have to do this for him, for Naomi, and our family. Hayden may never forgive me for doing one, but I want to get to the bottom of this. I need to know if Una has been lying to Hayden this entire time. I need to know if Una is really as evil as my mother.

Elijah gave me a small ziplock bag with strands of Una's hair before I left the restaurant. He told me to get the test done myself if I don't believe him. That's precisely what I plan to do.

Going into Naomi's bathroom, I reach for her hairbrush, but of course, it's already cleaned as Hannah never leaves Naomi's room untidy, and hair is her biggest pet peeve. I'll have no choice but to wait for Naomi to return from Erika's tomorrow. In the meantime, finding someone whom I can trust with this who will be willing to help me but can also keep it a secret from Hayden is my top priority.

I find myself walking to the security room with Una's DNA in my cardigan pocket, hoping to find Geoff alone. Wade is more faithful to Hayden and will tell him what I'm doing in a heartbeat. Geoff is loyal to Hayden as well, but I think I'll be able to convince him to keep it between us temporarily.

I knock twice on the door before letting myself in. I was thankful to find Geoff by himself staring at the computer screens. "Is there something I can do for you, Miss Greene?"

"I need a huge favor from you, Geoff."

"Anything you need." He assures me.

"But you can't tell Hayden." I see his features falter for just a moment before he recovers, keeping his face impassive. None of them keep anything from Hayden, and him helping me with this and keeping it a secret could get him in a lot of trouble.

"Okay." He agrees without question. "You have my word."

"I need to get a DNA test done on Naomi."

"Miss Greene . . ." He trails off. I know I'm asking a lot from him, but it's too crucial for me to do it independently. "Mr. Stymest would never forgive you or me for this type of betrayal. Can I ask why you want to do this in the first place and keep it secret?"

"A man I once knew told me he was her real father, and I want to be sure he isn't lying before I tell Hayden. He wants to take Naomi away from us."

"Who is this man?" He's serious about this, and I'm glad I came to Geoff for his help.

"His name is Elijah Jenkins."

"The current boyfriend of Una and your ex from high school?"

"Yes," I answer before I get taken aback by his knowledge of my previous relationship that I've kept hidden from my life. "Wait . . . how do you know that?"

"Your file."

"You investigated my past?" So all this time, Hayden knew about Eli? He never asked me about him even when I told him Jake was my first love.

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