Chapter 15.

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By the time we land in Chicago, I received two missed calls from Reign's mother and four from Channing. Channing left voicemails of everything that I was missing out on. Reign was having contractions and then her water broke. According to his last voicemail, she's still in the hospital but she's dilating very slowly. It's been three hours but she's only six centimeters.

I want to hurry up and get to the hospital to be with her. I don't know what she may be feeling, whether it's fear that something may be wrong, or excitement that today is the day and she's going to have a baby soon, or anger that it's not happening quicker, or sadness. I don't know much about the birthing process in general, all I know is I need to be there with her. Knowing Reign she'll try to upkeep an 'everything is fine' facade but deep down she's utterly terrified.

"We will drop you off at the hospital first and I'll go to the hotel, check us in, bring our bags up then I will meet you there," Hayden informs me, his tone serious and business-like, distractedly staring down at his work phone.

"So you're coming?" I wanted to ask Hayden to join me at the hospital but I wasn't sure if he wanted to be there.

"Channing asked me to be there after I told him I would be joining you. He said I've experienced this already so he would like for me to come." Their friendship is so cute to me. How close they've gotten with one another without seeing each other often is quite surprising but I'm happy about it. My best friend's husband is close friends with my boyfriend.

When Hayden and I broke up, Channing was there for him in a way no one else ever was. Sure he's always had Collin, but he's more of a let's get drunk and have sex with a lot of girls type of friend. Whereas Channing wanted to know how he was feeling and offer him advice and talk to him about life and romance. Or at least that's what Reign said when she would complain my ex was stealing Channing away from her.

"Okay, perfect." Just from the few hours, I was with him and Naomi, I can tell Hayden is so hands-on when it comes to children. I can say with certainty that when the time comes I know he'll be there for me no matter what. He's nothing like his father, he succeeded in being a much better person even if it had taken him years to get there.

We direct our attention back to our cell phones as we get stuck in traffic on our way to the hospital from the airport. "Alice," Hayden speaks up after moments of silence.

"Yes?" I question not bothering to look up from my phone as my eyes scan over text messages, my fingers agilely press on the keyboard as I respond.

"Did you come?"

"What?" My thumbs halt mid-sentence. Now is he my undivided attention.

His face is concerned and confused all at once, his brows dipped low as he stares back at me waiting for my answer. "This morning in the shower, did you come?"

"I mean—" Before I can even give him an answer he cuts in.

"I knew you didn't, my mind was too distracted on the way you sucked me off that I didn't even notice. Fucking idiot." He swears at himself clicking his tongue disapprovingly. Angrily combing his fingers through his hair, he shakes his head annoyed with himself.

"Oh Hayden, it's really not that big a deal. I got more than enough pleasure in pleasing you." I replace his fingers with mine combing through his hair to distract him as I speak. It's not like I had a problem with it, I enjoy pleasuring him. "If I really cared about coming this morning I would have done something myself the moment I noticed your fingers stop rubbing me."

"You noticed and didn't say anything?" He quirks a brow at me. I think I just made it worse by saying that.

"Okay, we're going to stop talking about this now." I don't want to unleash his dark side in the back of this poor man's car. "I'm perfectly fine without my orgasm as you can see."

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