Chapter 12.

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"Miss Greene!" My name is being shouted from down the hall, by the head of the hospital, the man I despise the most since getting my job here. I sent the email last night during my call with Hayden. He stayed on the phone with me all night just talking and helping me finish writing my email. Not only am I tired but the first person I have to see is Doctor Fiscalis. "Miss Greene, may I have a word with you in my office?"

"Can I get settled into my office first?" I show the box in my hands. During my final week here I will be packing up my personal stuff in this box and taking it all on my last day. I can see his annoyance with me as he struggles within himself to agree. "Two minutes," I inform him already walking off.

I use my keys to unlock the door and place the box down on the side of my desk. I consider stalling even longer to avoid talking with him. Ever since the previous head of the department passed away and Dr. Fiscalis had taken his spot he's been bitter to everyone who isn't my mother or his patients.

I look at my phone before leaving a little saddened I didn't get any messages from Hayden this morning. After last night I just assumed he'd send one saying good morning. I walk through the halls until I get to Dr. Fiscalis' room, knocking as I'm already pushing the door open. "Miss Greene," He stands, "Please have a seat."

I close the door as I enter and sit in the chair across from his desk. "I've read over your email this morning and I must say it's quite unexpected and short notice."

"Short notice? It's a two weeks notice. Isn't that what happens anytime someone leaves a job?"

"You've already taken off next week so in reality, it's just a one week notice. You've been taking off a lot recently, and now you're leaving, I think I have a right to know why?"

"Dr. Fiscalis, with all due respect, I don't understand how my reasoning for leaving or what I do outside of this office is any of your concern."

"You do know I'm fully aware of your therapy sessions?"

"Sure, and?"

"She reached out to me, as a person who only had your best interests in mind—"

"Let me stop you right there Dr. Fiscalis," I know exactly where this is going. She told him about my relationship with Hayden. "She had absolutely no right to tell you anything about what I say to her."

"She's worried you're going to make the wrong decision. Going back to someone who she believes to have abusive tendencies and not to mention he's a rapist who preys on women."

"I don't know what articles she's been reading about Hayden but I'm not interested in any of this. I'm leaving and my reasoning, as well as my relationship, is none of anyone's business." Fucking bitch therapist. I want to add but choose against it leaving it a comment in my mind.

"Your life, your choice." He mumbles putting an end to that part of whatever he was going to say to me. "I think it's best if you leave today Miss Greene. You're a little hostile and I don't need you behaving that way with the patients."

"Are you trying to fire me after I've already quit?"

"See it how you want Miss Greene." He shrugs his thin shoulders. His suit is too big for how thin he is and it's something that's always bugged me. "I guess you'll be using that box you brought in sooner than expected, huh?"

"What about my patients?" I ask, my worries not on myself. Leaving sooner gives me more time to pack up my apartment to get ready for my move back to Seattle.

"You've already been replaced, he's awaiting you to empty your office so he can take your place." Oh, of course, it's another male doctor. Now that I'm gone, my mother is going to be the only female doctor. Not that she'll mind it anyways, she seems to get along well with the other doctors.

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