53. Chanyeol - My Savior

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@channyparkz lol another Chanyeol one xD he is so popular

"Hey Chanyeol." you tug at his sleeve. "Let's watch that movie." you point at a romantic move. "I've heard from a few friends that it was good." you turn to him and smile. this was your first date with him and you were trying to not make it awkward. Because it was your first date, Chanyeol was willing to give in and watch what you wanted.

"Okay" he simply said. He buys two tickets to the movie you pointed to. "Wait at that bench" he points at a bench a few meters away. "I'm go buy popcorn."

"Okay" you plop down on the bench. A few guys come over to try to hit on you.

"Hey, beautiful." one guy says. His attempt to be sexy was definitely not working. "You alone."

you stare straight ahead of you. "No I'm with my date." the guy gets into your line of vision.

"How about" he touches your chin with his pointer finger. "we go watch a movie instead." he smirks. "maybe make a few movies too." you jerk away.

"...dickhead." you get up and walk towards Chanyeol, but this guy was persistent. he caught your wrist.

"what did you call me?" you tried to be brave, but you were shaking. "Oh look" he laughs hysterically. "This sheep is shaking in fear." he looks directly into your eyes. "Let's go, shall we?" he smirks and drags you further away from the popcorn stand. You thrash around.

"No, stop it." why wasn't anyone helping you?

"Yea she said stop it." It was Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol!" he grabs your hand and pulls you behind him.

"She's mine" he defensively states to the boy in front of him.

"and who are you" he points at chanyeol.

"My boyfriend." you speak up. The boy froze for a sec before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking away while muttering words. Chanyeol let's out a sigh and pulls you towards the benches. he sets down his popcorn and goes on one knee to see your red wrist.

"You okay, _____?" he asks while he holds your hand like it's something fragile.

"Y-yeah." you try to smile to hide the fear, but you were shaking. "It's okay, Chanyeol. This happens quite a lot." you sigh. "I'm used to it" you try to laugh it off, but Chanyeol doesn't let you. He embraces you in a tight hug.

"no" he says. "It's not okay, ______." he pulls out of the hug and looks into your eyes. "It's okay to feel insecure in front of me" he smiles

"uhh people are watching, Chanyeol."

"I don't care." he simply retorts. "Still want to watch the movie?" he asks. "we don't have to. we could just spend some time in a park." he smiles. "It's sunny outside, so it's okay, really." you think about it.

"But you already bought the tickets. I don't want to waste your money." you sigh.

"It's okay. I had coupons anyways." he stands up and extends his hand. "Let's go" he smiles. You finally cave in.

"Okay. Are you sure?" you take his hand.

"Yea" the two of you walk hand in hand to the door. "Anything for the one I love."


"I mean like." he tries to laugh the awkwardness away. you two get in his car. Before starting the engine, he turns towards you. "I like you, _______." his smile was so beautiful. "whenever I see you, I want to protect you. no one will pester you anymore." he starts the car. "Well except me, of course." he smirks. you were blushing very hard. he looks at you. "how cute" he starts. "My little _______ is a strawberry" he chuckles.

"Yahh" you playfully hit his arm. "I though you said you would protect me."

"Yea but I get to bully you too"


"I want to see this cute side of yours more often." he drives out of the parking lot. you don't know what to say, so you don't reply. after a few minutes of silence, he looks over. You were practically sulking in the corner. "Omo my ________ is so cute!"

"'my ______?'"

"well you're mine now, right? Aren't you my girlfriend?" You slightly nod.

"Watch the road, dummy." you try to change the topic. After a few minutes of flirting, you guys were at the park. While you collect your stuff, Chanyeol gets out of the car and opens your door and extends his hand. "Ready?" you smile.


this first date was The beginning of a beautiful relationship.

like it? haha this ends at the park again lol this isn't what I intended it to go like but it kinda just happened xD

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