13. Chanyeol-Secret Admirer

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Background info

Chanyeol and you are best friends since forever and it's HIGHSCHOOL now. You have grown an affection towards Chanyeol and so does Chanyeol but neither of you make a move to push the relationship from just friends to couple.


Ring ring! your phone buzzes and you pick it up.


"Hey ___. I'm sorry but I have to go to school early today so you have to walk to school by yourself. Mianhae." Chanyeol sounds rushed through the phone call.

"Ah okay..." you sigh. "Go ahead. I'll go to school. Alone. With no one." You sniffle.

"Aww is _____ missing me already? I'll give you a kiss on top of your head when I see you okay? just like when we were small; I would kiss your forehead or the top of your head when you got hurt. Remember?"

you smile. "Yea I do."

"Anyways" chanyeol says. "I have to go okay? see ya later."

"See ya" you say and he hangs up.

You finish getting ready for school and head out. It was Winter right now so you wore the winter uniform with an infinity scarf around your neck. You walk to school--it was the longest 10 minutes of your life. It was a silent and boring walk.

When you get to school you go to your locker. Chanyeol is standing in front of your locker waiting for you to article at school. When you are choose enough towards Chanyeol, he hugs you and lightly kisses your forehead.

"There" he says. "All better now?"

You blush but look down to hide it. "Yea"

He pats your head. Okay. Good. I have to go now" he looks at hisQ phone. "Bye ___"

"Bye bye!"

Chanyeol leaves. You open your locker and a piece of paper falls out. You pick it up from the ground and open it. It reads:

_____-ah. You're so beautiful and adorable I just want you all to myself! my mind is always thinking of you. Never anyone else. It's been over 10 years--when will I get to be your boyfriend? I've been waiting for so many years now.

*Hmmm* you think *ive seen that handwriting before*

I am finally going to take a move and make a stand. Meet me in the gym 5 minutes after school today.

-secret admirer

You blankly stare at the last sentence. You really want to meet this secret admirer. After all, you loved Chanyeol so you would have to turn down his feelings.

First, second, and third period pass by quickly. Time for lunch with Chanyeol. You smile at the thought of seeing him. You take out the note from the secret admirer and read it once more.

"Whatcha staring at?" chanyeol pops behind you.

You jump up a little from being startled and reply fast. "Umm it's definitely not a secret admirer or anything haha. Heh heh." You seriously suck at lying.

Chanyeol just smiles and pats your head. My little ___is becoming popular eh?"

*this is why we're JUST friends. He treats me like a little sister* you think.

"Come on" chanyeol holds your hand. You blush only slightly. "Let's go eat!"


The rest of the day was long. You were always staring at the clock and spacing out--trying to figure out how to reject the poor guy. You've never done this because you haven't ever been asked out. It's sixth period and the bell rings. You pounce out of your seat and fast walk to your locker. You stuff all your books and binders inside your backpack and you rush towards the gym. You look at your phone. *good. I still have 3 minutes* your pace slows down and you call chanyeol.

Ring. Ring. "He-Hello?" Chanyeol's voice.

"Mm Chanyeol-ah I can walk with you home today. Mianhae. Sorry:/ I have something to do." You explain.

"Oh gwenchanayeo. It's okay. We can walk together tomorrow. Sounds good?"

"Yea okay byebye!"

"Bye _____!"

The both of you hang up. Now, you were already in the middle of the gym. You were preparing yourself so you could tell the guy that you love someone else. You see a guy enter through the double doors.

*is that....wait it can't be.....* you do a double-take. "Chanyeol?!" you shout across the gym. He was holding a a few things behind his back. You tilt your head "Hey why are you here?"

"Ummm w-well..." He stutters and then takes a deep breath. "I'm your secret admirer." He smiles.

Your jaw drops. You weren't prepared for this! you were prepared to turn someone down--not the confession you've always been waiting for! You close your mouth and look at the ground blushing--still silent. Chanyeol walks closer to you and tilts your chin up.

"____, I've loved you for so long. The day I met you, I was willing to do whatever it took to be your oppa--your loved one." He sighs. "But I'm done waiting. I'm taking the first step here. I don't think I contain my love for you any longer ______. It's grown too big. I NEVER stop thinking about you. Ever. I relate everything I see to you. I relate everything I hear to you. You really are my everything."

You were about to cry but you hold it in by covering up your mouth with your hands.

"So...will you be my girlfriend, _____?" He pulls out a rose and holds it out to you.

Tears were dropping on the ground. You take the rose and nod your head--fearing that if you open your mouth, you would start sobbing. A big smile lights up Chanyeol's face.

"Aww don't cry" he wipes off the tears off your cheeks. "Why are you crying?"

You clam down and respond. "Because I thought you would never love me." You rest your head on his chest. "You always treated me like a little sister." You sniffle.

"I did that because I never wanted to lose you."

"Really?" you look up.

"Really" chanyeol gives you his sweetest smile. He kisses your small nose an looks in your eyes. " you are mine now, my perfect little

The both of you smile as the gap between the two of you slowly disappears.

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