26. Kris - "Siblings"

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It's Sunday. And it was your birthday:) and so was your best friend, Kris, too. Each and every year, you would go and do something with Kris. But this year, you got a boyfriend and you decided to hang out with him.

You spend a good hour on your makeup and outfit. It was winter after all. You wore black leggings along with light brown uggs. On top, you wore a midnight blue knitted infinity scarf and a pink and white striped sweater. Your makeup was flawless today. After the date, you were going to meet with Kris and I've him his present. You grab your purse with Kris' present in it and head out the door. Ten minutes later, you arrive at the cafeteria you two were supposed to meet at. You lookn in your mirror once more to check your makeup when you look at the front if the door, you see your boyfriend walking out with another woman. You're shocked. You fumble or your phone and call him.

He stops holding the other girl's waist and picks up. "Hello?"

"Hey Oliver I'm almost there. Where are you in the cafeteria?"

You hear that girl's voice through the phone. Oliver held the mic and shushed the girl. "ummm I know it's your birthday ____ but I'm busy. I promise I'll make it up to you sometime later okay?" you were shocked. He was telling such a lie. You were crying cuz you couldn't hold it any longer. You tried to cry really quietly.

"Oh." You compose yourself. You sniffle. "It's okay. I'll do something else today."

"Yay I love you _____. Thank you for understanding. Byebye love!" You hung up an watched Oliver go back to cuddling and kissing that other girl. Your face was a mess. Streaks of black were dried on your face along with your tears. You weren't processing what just happened. All you knew was that you needed to talk with kris. So you drive to his house. You were like a ghost--so pale. You ring the doorbell. Kris comes to open th door hot out from the shower. He looks at your messy face."oh no what happened" you just sag your shoulders, and cry. Kris' face was unreadable. He pushed you in and led you to the couch. The both of you sat down. "Tell me."

"*sob* I SAW ORIDHA AND H-HE WUS WITH ANOFTHA GIR-RL *sob* AND--" your sob story was cut short.

Kris embraces you in a tight hug and you continue crying on his shoulder. "Shhhh" he rubs your back in circles. "It's okay...im gonna kill him when I see him next time..." your sobs start getting quieter.

"No Kris, don't. There was probably a reason why he cheated. Like I'm not a good girlfriend. Maybe I'm just not lovable." You look down to rub your eyes and wipe away our tears. You breath in and out. You look up at Kris and smile. "See? I'm okay now." Kris doesn't believe you.

"Why can't it be me?" he mutters. you ignore it and act as if you did these that. You try to move onto another topic. "Umm want your present now?" you look around. "Oh it's in the car. I'll be back okay?" you get off the couch but a big hand grabs your wrist to stop you.

"Wait." You turn around. "It's okay. I don't need that present."


"Could I have something else?"

You walk back and sit on the couch. "Sure. Anything for my best friend. As long as I'm able to get it." Kris takes his thumb and strokes it over your hand and looks bak up into your eyes.

"_____, I want you."

You sit thre stunned in what he wanted. You blush and look away. "What? we can't do that. We're just friends." You could hear your heart shatter. You were too afraid to dive into another relationship--even if it was with your best friend.

"But I want to be more than that. I'll treat you write. Even in times when I hate you, I will still love you." you look back at him. "Please." he begs. "I can't see you hurt anymore. It pains me when you're hurt."

"But I'm not lovable." You simply retort.

"Who said you're not lovable? I've loved you the second I met you. I've fallen for you even more very day I'm with you. I really want to be there for you in your saddest times, ____. So..." you look up at Kris. Ke was definitely telling the truth. He was shaking--taking this step forward in our relationship. "Do I get you as my birthday present?"

You had to think hard, but he was Kris after all. He wouldn't hurt you. Out of all the years that you've known him, he's always been like your other half. People have mistaken you as siblings--that's how close you guys were. You decided to start anew. you open your arms and take a step foreword

"Happy birthday, Kris:)"

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