42. Sehun - Did My Love Reach You?

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you slowly open your eyes. it was Sunday. "Sehun..." no one answers. you get up, afraid he has collapsed somewhere in the house. the two of you are married now. and it's been a few months after the wedding and you already have a little child growing in your tummy. It was really exciting to think about. you walk downstairs and thankfully, Sehun is there making a cup of coffee for you.

"hey honey" he smiles. "How was your sleep last night?"

"great sweetie" you smile "and--" sehun coughs a little. "---omo sehunnie you okay" his cough worsens a little but he puts up a hand to stop you from coming any closer.

"Gwenchanayeo ______" his coughing subsides. "really" he fakes a smile. "I have you right?"

you hesitate a little. "yea"

"anyways, I need to run some errands" sehun picks up his keys and starts to head out.

"wait I'll go with you" you get off your seat and walk towards sehun but he stops you.

"it's fine you need to rest. I want to see my healthy baby" his smile looked a little sad. "okay?"

"okayyy" you sit back down and sehun makes his way to the car. you sigh and turn on the television. there was nothing else to do anyways. you crash on the couch. in a few minutes you doze off.

RINGGG. "huh" you wake up and when you comprehend that the phone was ringing, you pick it up.

"h-hello?" your still waking up from your little nap. "mhmm......mhmm......" your yea widen. "WHAT" you drop the phone and run outside to find a taxi to the nearest hospital.

-----at the hospital-----

your rush in the ER an see Sehun's best friend waiting for sehun to get out of surgery. "chanyeol!" he turns his head. this happy virus was crying.


"what happened??" you were freaking out. "he was fine this mornin. we even had tea. how could he be in te hospital. we will have a baby soon he cannot leave me I love him and he loves me God cannot take him away what if he died in there Chanyeol what happened to him is he fine?" you continue to ramble but you stop once Chanyeol places his hand on your shoulder.

"____. you need to calm down." chanyeol steadies you. the doctors come out, but you felt like you already knew what they were going to say. you sat down on the padded seats. everything was such a blur. to you, Sehun was your life. Now, you don't know what to do.

"Mrs. Oh?" someone taps your shoulder and you look up. it was the doctor who operated on him. you had a billion questions. "I'm sorry to say that Sehun Oh has not made it out of surgery. I'm so sorry. we tried our best."

it took a sec for you to comprehend it. "oh really?" you scoff a little. "but he promised he would never leave me. we even have a baby. a baby is growing in my stomach. He can't leave me yet. it's to early for him to leave me. Why. WHY IS HE GONE. HE ISNT ALLOWED TO LEAVE ME. HE CANT DIE. HE IS NOT DEAD YET." the doctors lower their heads. you look at the time. " I'm going back home. he's always back by 6. He's going to be back in 2 hours." you storm outside to call for a taxi back home.

-----at home-----

You lock the door and sit on the couch. it was really quite. Thinking of Sehun, you look for your wedding CD. Instead You find a disk with "My Honey, ______" written on it. you question what was on the disk because you've never been given this before. you play it on the tv.

the disk plays. it was sehun and you smile. sehun clears his throat. "is this playing? okay good." he looks a little awkward. "well today's March 29, 2013. today, I have been diagnosed with cancer ____. you remember me crying on this day? that was due to shock, not because I got fired at my job." he smiles. "so I've decided to make a video diary for you." he laughs a little. "I knew you were the one today. the one I was going to marry. after hearing that I'll die in one year, I knew that I wanted to spend that year with you, _____." you always made me so happy and---" the front door opens and the you one year ago walks in. "hey sehunnie!" you walk up to him and kiss his lips. you walk away while humming th wedding song you two danced to. "hear that?" Sehun whispers. "That's going to be out wedding song." he smiles. but it looked so painful. "well, bye! love you _____."

you fumble with the remote control and you fast forward it.

"Hey!" the tv sehun says. "It's december 20,2013 - the day I'm going to propose to you. it's 5am now, so you're still asleep. see the ring?" he holds up a box with the ring your wearing now. "I think you'll love it." he plays with his fingers. "I hope you'll say yes wih all your heart because I know you're the one. I've known since my cancer day" his smile is painful to look at because you know it's fake. I love you ____. I always will."

you fast forward again.

"hey it's January 3rd, 2014. And you've told me that there's a bay in your stomach. this makes us he happiest wedding couple ever! I love you and that baby so much." he laughs a little. that little laugh that you miss so much right now. "But that baby will have no father....im sorry ____. I'm really sorry for getting cancer as doing this to you. and the baby." he coughs a little. "you know I love you right? you are honestly my one and only love. well..once that baby pops out I'll need to split my love" he tries to lighten the mood a little. " ahahah I'm so awkward. hope you're happy with this awkward fella." he smiles that smile full of pain.

you fast forward another time.

"hey. it's March 28, 2014. and congrats to me! I've lived one day longer than what doctors expected." he smiles. "______-ah you looked beautiful today. your baby bump makes you look beautiful. you are the most precious person to me. I love you with all my heart." he tears up. "and I don't want to leave you. I cant live without you. I need you in my life" a few seconds of silence and then he laughs a little. "I'm glad you slept in. I can make this one a little longer." he coughs. "one sec" he gets up and pours himself a cup of coffee. that's when you walk in. "hey honey" he smiles. "How was your sleep last night?" "great sweetie" the you on tv smiles. "and--" sehun coughs a little. "---omo sehunnie you okay" his cough worsens a little but he puts up a hand to stop you from coming any closer.

this was like a flashback. you pause the tv. everything finally hits you. why sehun coughed so much. why he said I love you so many times this year. why he looked so sad at times. by now you were a mess. there were tissue everywhere and your eyes were so puffy. "sehun...." you cry but decide to stay strong. "I'll smile for you okay? I'll live for the both of us." you stand up. "I'll make sure our baby knows you like the baby will know me." you pat your stomach. " if it's a boy, it'll be named sehun. after his handsome father." you flow down your cheeks.

"I'll never forget you, Sehun. I'll love your forever."

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