18. Kai - I'm Sick

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Umm I forgot to ask you guys to not steal my stories! I spend a lot of time on them and I don't want my work getting stolen...like what if I stole your work?( which I won't) wouldn't you be mad at me? If someone stole my work I would be pretty angry at that person...Yea okay lecture done and here's Kai's imagine:)

"Hello?" you hear Kai's voice over the phone.

You smile. "Hey oppa. I'm *cough* sorry. I'm sick *coughcough* so we can't go to the amusement park *cough*" your voice was hoarse.

"Aww it's okay. You get better okay?"

You cough some more and sigh "okay"


"Byebye!" you hang up and walk towards the couch to lie down. You were in your comfy pajamas. You didn't bother to fix your bed hair since you weren't seeing anyone today anymore. You rest your head for a sec but then you go get some medicine for your headache. The doorbell rings and you call out "coming!" You open the door and you see Kai. With chocolate. And dressed in casual clothes. You look at him.

"Surprise!! I'm here to help my cookie feel better." His smile is sincere. You were about to let him in but then you realize you were a mess and quickly close it. Kai's foot Catches the door. "Wait what are you doing? not gonna get your boyfriend in?" he questions you.

You hide behind the door and peek your head out, but look down. "I look like a mess."

"You look beautiful." You look at him for a second but look away while blushing from embarrassment. "So let me in okay?" you move aside so he can come in your house. "Okay go lay down. I'll make you soup for your cold. And then you can take medicine for you cough." You nod and go rest on the couch. You look up from the couch every now and then to look at your sexy boyfriend taking care of you when you're sick. You lie back down. Without noticing, you fall asleep.

You wake up around half an hour later. Hot soup was in from of you on the coffee table. Your medicine was to the left next to the spoon and napkin. Your eyes fall on Kai. He was next to you--his head was resting in his arms on the couch. His face was so cute when he was asleep. You couldn't help yourself so you poked his cheek. All he did was grunt so you giggled. You move closer to his face until you were a few a few inches from his face. Uncontrollably you giggled again.

"Staring at my handsome face while sleeping huh." Kai opens his eyes and you move back. "My, my, my do I have a perverted girlfriend?" he smirks.

You couldn't look away because you were on a couch and Kai was following your eyes so you cover your face. Kai smiles. "Is my cookie blushing? Let me see~~" he truss to take your hands off of your face. You keep on squirming and Kai falls on top of you. Time stops. Kai slowly lifts his head.

"Can I kiss you?" Kai suddenly whispers eto break the silence.

"But you'll get sick" you defend

"That's okay." Kai slowly moves towards your lips at first you're startled by then you give in. You smile while kissing and the kiss becomes deeper. It one of the best kisses the two of you have shared.

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