52. Baekhyun - Parent's Consent

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@mindy72 here's what you requested ahaha I had a hard time writing this because I usually don't write stories like this....enjoy~


"But dadddd!" you whine. "I love Baekhyun. Why can't you accept us?" you argue.

"Because." Your dad grunts.

"Because why?"

"That man cannot be your husband." he crosses his arms. "Ever."

"But we are only datin-"

"No buts _______."

"UGH" you roll your eyes and storm out of your room. Baekhyun was waiting in his car outside.

"Hey babe." he walks up to you and you two lock lips.

"Hey my sexy bacon." you wrap your arms around his neck and smile. he was shining in the light.

"No good?" you shake your head and sigh.

"Time for your parents?" you question. he nods. the two f you get in the car and drive to Baekhyuns place.

"Wait here." Baekhyun enters the house first. ten minutes later, and he still isn't out of the house. you get out of the car and quietly walk towards the doer, but you stop in your tracks. The house was loud. Very loud.

"NO BAEKHYUN" This high voice was like mother's.

"Listen to your mother." his father, you assume. "She's right."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES RIGHT?" Baekhyu shouts.

His mom sighs. "You're only 17, Baekhyun. and _______ is 16. What do you two know about love?" Baekhyun grunts and walks out the door. He flinches a little when he sees you. Baekhyun grabs your hand and drags you back to the car. This was not your guys' day. Baekhyun drives off.

"We're going to the park." he says.

"Okay" the car was filled with silence the whole ride.

baekhyun turns off the car engine. "sorry for my parents" he starts "I'm so-" you place a finger on his lips.

"shh. no more apologizing, sweetie." you smile. "we should just enjoy each other before we have to go to college." you sigh. "we'll make wonderful memories together now" you hold his hands. "because I only have one more year with you" you look into his eyes. "so let'e make the best of it" Baekhyun loved this side of you. he smiles back at you.

"yea. and maybe when our parents see how happy we are together, they will approve." he laughs to lighten the atmosphere. "C'mon. Let's go"


The two of you get out of the car. Baekhyun locks it while you lock lips with his. Baekhyun smiles his cute crooked smile. "ready?" he extends his hand. Of course, you take the offer.

"Yea" you smile. the two of you walk hand in hand throughout the park.

uhh that's was kinda short ahh hope you enjoyed it!

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