„Rose right?" a man asks. „Yeah and you are?" „I'm Josiah. I'll come along as a photographer." he says, shaking my hand smiling. „Oh that's cool. I love to photograph but I guess I'm not as good as you." I say, returning the smile. „We have enough time to find that out." he smiles.

„There you are. I need you two for a second." Andrew says, coming our way. „For what?" I question.
„We are gonna make Shawn and your relationship official and a cute picture is a perfect way to do that." he says, leading us to the elevator.

„But they saw us already on the airport." I sigh, actually not wanting that so many people have a picture of me.
„Rose, we have to make it look real. Don't worry." Andrew says, patting my shoulder. We knock onto Shawn's door but Grace opens it. „What now?" she asks, annoyed. „Where's Shawn? We need a picture." Josiah says, rolling his eyes.

Wait. Don't they like her either? „And what does that have to do with her." Grace asks, glaring at me. „We need a picture of the boyfriend and girlfriend." Josiah sighs. „Grace let them in." We hear Shawn, from behind.

„Excuse me." I say, pushing past her. „Let's go onto the balcony." Josiah suggests, heading out. I follow him, pinching my eyes at the bright light but as I see clear again. I notice how beautiful the view actually is.

„That's perfect. Stand right in front of the sun and act like you lean in to kiss her." He says, getting his camera ready. Shawn pulls me towards him placing his hands on my waist. I just stand there awkwardly, not know what to do with my hands.

„Rose lay your hands on his shoulders." Josiah says, holding the camera in front of his face.
„Don't be scared. I don't bite." Shawn smirks, pulling me a bit closer. „Mhm." I mumble, rolling my eyes. „Hold still for a few moments." Josiah says, probably trying to find the perfect angle.

I look up meeting Shawn's gaze. His honey brown eyes look incredible in the sunshine. A small smile becomes visible on his lips. „What?" I mumble. „Your eyes-." „I know that it looks weird." I sigh, cutting him off. „No. I wanted to say that they look special. I've never seen something like that before. That's cool." he says, letting go of me.

„Thanks. I guess." I say, not sure if that was a compliment. I walk over to look at the pictures. „They are beautiful." I say, smiling at Josiah. „Thank you." „Maybe because you can't see her face." Grace says, twirling a strand of hair around her fingers.

„I think we should make one where you can see the faces." Josiah says, winking at me. „Shawn, sit down on the chair and kiss her cheek." I could see how Grace's face turns red as she stands there open mouthed.

Josiah winks at me before he kneels down to take a picture, making me chuckle. „Come here." Shawn says, pulling me onto his lap. „Smile." Josiah says, as Shawn presses his lips to my cheek.

I try my best to imagine Grace's stupid face as I close my eyes, smiling brightly. „Perfect." he says. „You are blushing again." Shawn whispers, as I was about to stand up. „That's just from the sun." I say, crossing my arms. Good excuse Rose. He will definitely believe it.

„Of course." Shawn chuckles, walking past me. I quickly get my black jeans jacket from my room and head downstairs to the others. „What is she doing here?" I mumble, rolling my eyes. „She insists on coming with Shawn as long as you two haven't made it official." Geoff says, coming up behind me.

„Okey." I sigh, not being in the mood to face her the whole day. „No one of us like her either." Geoff says. „Why do you think I don't like her? I love snooty girls who slap me." I mutter. „She slapped you? What a psycho." „Yeah but why didn't Shawn tell her sooner?" „She's a bit... exhausting." Geoff chuckles.

„I still don't know what he sees in her but oh well." „Finally someone who thinks the same as me." I say, smiling up to him. As we stroll down the street I have to walk next to Shawn again. We walk in silence the whole time and just smile when  we notice someone taking pictures of us.

I'm still very uncomfortable about it but I guess I have to get used to that. As we arrive in a cute little restaurant we sit down on a table next to the window. Shawn is next to me along with Andrew  and Grace is sitting in front of us with the others.

I just look out of the window until the waiter comes to take our orders. „And what do you two girls want?" the waiter smiles. „Just a salad and water please. I wouldn't want to get fat like others here." Grace says, looking at me then.

„For me pancakes with extra chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Oh and some strawberries. I'm on a diet you know." I say, smiling at the waiter, causing her grin. I hear chuckles from the others and even from Shawn.

Aww poor Grace. I meet her gaze and f looks could kill I would be dead already be dead. „Rose what do you think about being in a music video?" Andrew asks, after our food arrived. „Uhh... if I have to. Why?"

„I need a girl for the music video of my new song." Shawn says, looking at me. I actually don't want to. That would mean I have to spend even more time with Shawn. I still don't know what to think of him but 90 percent of me don't like him. „Come on Rose. It'll be fun." Josiah says, smiling at me.

„Fine." I say, returning the smile. „Great! We'll start to film tomorrow or something. As long as we are in England we have to use that chance." Andrew says.

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