Yoongi ♡ Frost | Jack Frost AU

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You took a few paces around your front yard, taking in the beauty that surrounded you while listening to the snow crunching under your shoes. You came to a stop when you noticed a man on the fence that surrounded the perimeter of your house. His back was facing you, so he obviously wasn't aware of your presence. At first you felt confusion, then panic. What was this stranger doing perched on your fence? Your first thought was that the stranger was a robber or perhaps someone who wasn't in his right mind.
He was wearing a bright blue hoodie and kakis. You couldn't see his face from your vantage point, but he had whiteish blonde hair tousled messily atop his head. He didn't seem dangerous—he wasn't even dressed like a robber. He chuckled lightly at something he had been watching in the distance, completely unaware of your presence.

"Excuse me." You called after deciding that the stranger was more than likely not a threat.
He didn't move.
Did he even hear you?
"Hey! I said excuse me." You spoke a bit louder.
He moved his head a little at the sound of your voice. Even after he moved, you could still barely see the side of his face, hardly catching a glimpse of his side profile before he turned back to the front.
"Hey! You on the fence! I said excuse me!" You shouted this time.
Then, finally, he turned around.
You froze, feeling your heart jump at the stranger's handsome features: his soft-looking pink lips, button nose, and sharp, catlike eyes.
His dark brows pulled together in confusion as he pointed to himself. "Me?"
You managed to shake off your shock just enough to respond.
"Yes you. You're the only one on the fence."
He sat there for a few moments with a perplexed expression on his face before his eyes widened in realization. He was quick to hop off the fence and approach you.

"You can see me?"
"What?" You questioned. Did you hear him correctly?
"You can see me. Right?"
"Yes?" You responded, but it came out like a question.
"I can't believe this." He huffed out a laugh of disbelief, running a hand through his chalky white hair. "After all these years, someone finally sees me."
Is this guy off his rocker? You wondered, watching as the man talked to himself.
"Look, I don't know where you came from, but you should probably leave. Maybe go to a hospital, I think you're a bit confused. And you should really put some shoes on, it's freezing out here."
"Put shoes on?" He echoed, glancing down at his bare feet. "I don't need shoes."
"Are you crazy?"
"How can you see me?" He asked somewhat sharply, changing the subject.
"Because you're a person? You're right here. In front of me." You poked his shoulder. "In my yard."
"No one has been able to see me for centuries and suddenly you can."
"Okay. You're really starting to freak me out here." You took a step back. "Who are you, anyway?"
"You don't know who I am?" He asked.
"Should I?"
"Yes. If you can see me, then you should know who I am."
"I think you're crazy."
"How do you think all this snow got here?" He questioned, crossing his arms.
"The sky?"
"No, I did it. It was me." He pointed to himself.
"You... made it... snow." You spoke slowly, processing his words.
"Yes. This," He gestured to the mounds of snow coating the ground. "was all me."
This guy has lost his mind. He must think he's Jack Frost or someth-
Your brows pulled together, your eyes examining him for a few moments. Should you even entertain the idea that this stranger could possibly be a magical being? He didn't look very magical and quite frankly, you pictured Jack Frost to look a bit fancier. This guy was dressed casually and, though he was good-looking, his appearance wasn't all that special.
"Surely you're not Jack Frost—right?"
"Actually, my name is Yoongi."
Instead of being surprised, you let out a laugh. "Alright, alright. Let's say you are Jack Frost."
"It's Yoongi." He corrected.
"Whatever. If you really are who you say you are, I want to see proof. For all I know, you could be some crazy person spouting off nonsense."
In the blink of an eye, a snowball materialized in his hand, appearing out of thin air right before your eyes.
You gasped. "No way."
"I feel like that was unnecessary." He said.
"It totally was. I needed proof."
He rolled his eyes while shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets.

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