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Remember that mystery POV from chapter 22 of the Promise? It's revealed who it is in this chapter


Making sure you're happy. You're happy right? Good, just checking.

I'm beyond happy. Thanks for asking

can you freestyle for me?

Not at the moment

where can i find a boyfriend like you?

Target, probably Target

How are you going to propose to Brynn?! Who will be the best man & groomsmen at the wedding? How old is mason going to be now? Do you plan on having more kids in the future?

I honestly don't know yet, but I'll think of something

where can i get a boyfriend like you? this is a v important question.

As I said before, you have a good shot at Target

Do you know you have a lot on your hands with Brynn? Haha I'm so glad you are back together!!

I definitely do, but it's all worth it

What was the first thing that made you fall in love "again" (since you said you never stopped loving her) with Brynn again?

I can't really pinpoint one thing. It was really just a mix of everything that really reminded me how much I really loved her

why'd you delete My Dawgs off of soundcloud and take the music video off of youtube?

No comment

Why are you so perfect?



If you hurt Michael again, I will hurt you. Got that? Good!

I have no intentions of doing that, but I understand

good choice to get back with MC

It was a veeeeeery good choice

Aside from your stomach doing flip flops when Michael said fiancé what else did you feel? Who will be your maid of honor and bridesmaid at your wedding? Would you and Michael want a big wedding or small?

Well, when he said that, I can't really describe that feeling. It showed me a glimpse into the life I can have very soon. If we were engaged, it would make it so 1) management couldn't drag us apart 2) people would stop flirting with us and 3) the paparazzi wouldn't bug us anymore about our relationship statuses. It'd also promise me that I'd get to live my life with him. It'd be there to keep me going if there's some sort of stupid fight or something along those lines. I could picture a family, and all that good stuff.

Now, about the actual wedding, I didn't think as much about that. I was focused more on the significance of it than anything else, but I'm pretty sure we'd want to keep it smaller, nothing extravagant.

Would you date again if MC died?

If Michael died, I'd barely be able to function, let alone date.


How's Alex? How's Brooklyn? Are they happy? Keep them happy Perez - or we're fighting sir.

Alex is doing wonderful, and so is Brooklyn. We have our own little mini family that makes up my world

Have you asked me.. I mean Alex... to marry you yet? Cuz like bro what are you doing with your life if you haven't proposed

Empty Promises | MC - sequel to The PromiseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя