Chapter 22

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Michael's POV

     I sit off to the side, in front of the jury, but not right next to Brynn. I'm not next to her, but I'm next to her mom. It's super awkward. Veronica, I believe that's her name, obviously has something against me. I just want to know what it is.

    N"How long have you known my daughter?" she asks firmly, a hard look on her face. She used a mom tone.

     "Over two and a half years. I met her when I was first chosen for the top 18 on Boy Band. It was that same day actually," I smile, remembering that day. I was looking for Devin and she was lost in her own house. I still don't know how she managed to do it, but she did.

     "Are you friends with this really tall guy? He wears big sunglasses and fake good chains," she asks, confusing me. How does she know about Jay? To add onto that, it was completely off topic

     "I have a friend named Jay who fits that description. He has lighter hair," I tell her, and she nods before quickly sitting up.

     Walking into the room with the rest of his family, Bill's presence changes the mood in the room. He is followed by "the stepwhich," "the stepbitch," Brayden, and Suzy. Suzy is holding her head down in shame as she walks in, but as soon as she looks up, she smiles.

     "Michael!" she squeals, trying to run over. Her mom grabs her shoulders and frowns at her.

     "No," she scolds, dragging Suzy over with her. Megan turns around at me and gives me a pleading, apologetic look. I haven't talked to her since the whole Isaiah thing, and I have no intention to. She then glares at Brynn, and Brynn glares back.

    "Are you okay?" I ask as soon as I see Veronica. She is frozen, her face white and eyes beyond wide.

     "I was only 14. That man needs to go in jail," she announces, looking over at Bill. He turns to look at her and winks, making her jitter.

     "He does," I agree with her. She sighs.

     "He's such a corrupt man. He nearly ruined my career just because he was needy. Then, he did the same thing to his own child," she swallows, tears brimming in her eyes. Finally, the pieces connect. The pervert forced himself on both Brynn and her mom before threatening them, so they wouldn't tell. That is plain disgusting

     "Brynn told me she has some evidence that he can't work his way around. Don't worry."


     "What I'm hearing from what you are saying is that Mr. Williams sexually harassed you then threatened you," the judge clarifies, and Brynn nods, tears flooding her eyes, but she's not crying. I'm proud of her.

     "Yes, your honor," Brynn lets the judge know. Bill looks nervous. He knows he's screwed.

     "Do you remember what the threat was?" the judge tries to get more information.

     "Yes, word by word,'If you tell anyone about what just happened, and I mean anyone, I will hurt the person you tell and that pretty boy of yours too. While I'm at it, I might as well do this to you again,'" she breathes, trying to regain herself.

     "I object!" Bill yells, slamming his fists on the desk.

     "He didn't just say that, your honor, there's more," Brynn speaks, calm and collected.

     "Go on," the judge gestures towards Brynn.

     "He also told me I had to leave California and cut off connections with everyone for 'precaution' as he put it. He thought that if I stayed here, I'd tell someone. I had to lie to my close friends and break up with my boyfriend to comply," she explains, and the judge nods.

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