Chapter 32

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Brynn's POV

     "Hey guys," I smile as soon as I start the live.

     "'You look really pretty today.' Aww thank you. I didn't have much time to get ready, so I'm happy you think that," I respond to a comment.

     "How did this even happen?" I faintly hear Michael ask Mason. Michael stands there trying to think of a way to free Mason's foot.

     "Well, I was trying to squeeze to fit through the bars, but I could only fit my foot through," he wiggles his foot. Michael sighs.

     "Take off his shoe!" I shout over to the other side of the playground. It would make the foot smaller and be easier for Mason. Michael shoots me a thumbs up before untying Mason's converse.

     "Sorry guys. One of my friends is helping get someone's foot unstuck from the playground," I smile. It's not a lie, but it's so vague it might as well be.

      "Yes I am in LA. I needed a short break from touring to hype me up again. I'm taking a break in LA for two of my friend's birthdays and a few extra days before heading back out," I inform them. The comments blow up with a ton of people saying that it's Michael's birthday today. That is, in fact, one of the two birthdays. The other one is Devin's in three days. Yes, I'm actually going to talk to Devin after all this time. I hope it all goes well. He used to be my best friend after all.

      "I'm not doing a meet up in LA this time guys, sorry. This is just a short break. Also, if you see me, please don't come up to me. I love you guys and everything you do, but I just want to hang out with my friends this week and be semi normal. I promise I'll do a meet up in LA soon to make up for it though," I plead. As much as I love my fans, I just want a week to hang out with the guys. They'll be busy at times, but I can also visit my other friends.

      "Thank you!" I hear Mason giggle, hugging Michael as much as he can. Michael leans down and hugs Mason.

      "No problem. Go have fun," he laughs, but the mic doesn't pick it up. Out of nowhere, my phone starts to ring, stopping the live. I'd hang up if it was anyone else, but it's my management. This isn't good. I pick it up, grumpily to say the least.

     "Hey Brynn. We have some news for you," one of the random executives tells me. I roll my eyes right before Michael sits next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

     "I'm supposed to have the week off. You guys told me I would," I snap. Michael grabs onto my hand in attempt to calm me down. My temper only gets better by a little.

     "I'm sorry. One of the bosses made a change to your little arrangement with your 'boyband boyfriend,'" he tells me. I nearly throw my phone across the playground, so I won't have to deal with this. We already made a deal.

     "Hell no!" I deny. I need to calm down. Being angry will not fix anything.

      "The schedule is still the same, don't worry. There is just a slight... adjustment," the man tells me hesitantly.

     "What is this adjustment?" I ask sourly. The man sighs.

     "His name is Cody. It's to create buzz for your upcoming music," he starts to explain, but I'm not taking it.

     "No! Are you telling me you are going to blatantly disregard both mine and my boyfriend's feelings to get publicity while we are literally publicity magnets!?!" I screech into the phone. People start giving me glares and dirty looks. Michael catches onto that and grabs my arm. We slowly walk away into this clearing in between some trees, still close enough to the playground.

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