Chapter 26

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Brynn's POV

      Tonight is my first actual show that Michael has been to. Ever. Nervous is an understatement. I want to make him proud even though he can't be in the crowd. He's watching from the side of the stage where no one can see him.

      I also found out I had a private meet and greet before the show, so I can't hang out with Michael then unless we decided to say that we're just friends now, and he's being nice and supporting me. That wouldn't work anyways. I'd need to talk to management about announcing it.

     I'm lucky enough to once again have close ties with my management. My mom met Eliot through her manager, who is Eliot's dad. I have the same management, so my "grandpa," as he likes to call it, is my manager.

     "Ooooh who are you texting?" I ask Addie. In attempt to see, I try to peer over her shoulder, but she ninja slaps my face.

     "No one," she murmurs, still engrossed in the device.

      "Suuuuuure," I accuse her slyly, and she just shrugs.

     "Go hang out with your boyfriend," she huffs, putting her phone down and glaring at me.

      "What you've never said ever," I laugh. I always thought Addie just didn't like me spending a lot of time with my boyfriend, but she just didn't like me spending time with James. She always wants me to hang out with Michael.

     "Michael's chill though. James was a demon wreaking havoc amongst the common folk," she says dead serious, and I start laughing.

      "That's true," I admit, and she nods.

      "He never deserved you," Addie shrugs, and I noticed she's changed the subject.

     "You changed the subject. Who are you texting?" I question again. As soon as I say that, Michael comes in the room wearing a sweatshirt, his Leveled jeans, and sunglasses. I completely leave pestering Addie to run over and hug him. He laughs and hugs me back.

      "I got stopped at least seven times, but then they let me through when they saw it was me," Michael laughs, and I smile. Seeing him laugh just makes me smile.

      "Weren't you with someone as well?" I ask, and he nods.

      "Yeah, some security guard was with me," he responds. I grab his hand and sit down on the couch. He sits down next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I lean up against his shoulder. "Ooooh, who are you texting Addie?" Michael asks, making me start hysterically laughing while Addie groans.

     "You're amazing Michael," I hum with a laugh, kissing his cheek.

      "I don't know what I did, but thanks," he says.

     "Michael, you should set Addie up with one of your friends," I suggest.

      "None of them are close to here. The rest are in America," he frowns. Addie sticks her tongue out at me.

     "Ha Brynn. Whatever double date fantasies you have aren't happening," Addie makes fun of me. Right then, I think of a plan.

      "I'm going to grab some water. Do you want some?" I ask, and Michael shakes his head.

      "Can you get some for me?" Addie asks. I stand up. My feet bring me over to the mini fridge where I grab two small waters. I walk over to Addie. As I place the water next to her, I snatch her phone and run away with it.

      "Brynn!" she screams in shock and annoyance. I look at the name on the screen, and my eyes widen.

      "You are texting one of Michael's friends," I say, and Michael sits up.

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