Chapter 10

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Michael's POV

      As her eyes meet mine, I freeze. She looks hurt, shocked, sad, and fragile. There's something wrong with her, seriously wrong. Dead is the only proper word to describe it. Even though she tries to hide it, I can still notice the bags under her eyes. Her eyes are red and irritated. She's unhealthily skinny. It breaks me to see her like this.

     As soon as our eyes meet, she turns her head the other way and runs out of the room. My jaw slacks slightly, and the boys look back at me.

     "What did you idiots do?" the infamous James huffs in their faces, grabbing Brady by the collar of his shirt. I quickly jog over.

    "We didn't do anything," Drew says. Brady kicks James in the leg, so James drops him.

      "Sure you didn't. Then, why did Brynn just run away?" James shoves Drew in the chest. Chance pushes him back.

     "Calm down," Chance tells him. James turns his head, seeing me before narrowing his eyes at me. Pissed is an understatement. He looks as if he's just seen his lifelong enemy after five years.

     "You little...," he starts charging me, but the other guys push him away. Some security guards spot the scene, starting to come over.

     "Relax!" one of the guards yells, separating the two groups.

     "It's about time to take your seats!" someone announces from an overhead speaker. Thank gosh.

     "I'll deal with you later you little shithead," James grumbles as he walks away.

     "What happened?" Alex asks as soon as she gets over, the other girls with her along with the three other members of World's Edge.

     "I don't even know," Chance laughs, giving her a hug. The guys drift off with their girlfriends, leaving me with the other three members of World's Edge.

     "Did you end up coming with a date?" Charlotte asks, raising an eyebrow.

     "I did... but I don't know where she went," I admit, looking around. She is nowhere in sight.

     "I'll be your temporary date," she laughs, linking her arm through mine. Both of us start laughing. We walk over to our seats in the front row and sit down, me at the very end. World's Edge are next to each other except Sergio is in between Adriana and Courtney. Brady is next to Courtney, and so on so forth.


     "The award we're about to announce is the best collaboration award," Drew announces as we all smile at the camera.

     "And the nominees are...," Chance leads off with that signature Chance smile plastered on his face.

     "New Hope Club and The Vamps with 'broken,'" Sergio says.

     "Austin Moon and Christopher Wilde with 'Double Take,'" Brady tells the audience.

     "And Brynn Williams and Golden J with 'Smack that,'" I say more of a question when I get to the title of the song. I involuntary gag in my mouth. The dramatic music plays as we open the little envelope revealing the winner.

     "And the winner is...," Chance does the same this he did before.

     "Brynn Williams and Golden J," we announce, trying to fake enthusiasm. I hand the trophy over to Chance to give to her. She struts on stage with James trailing behind her. As she gets closer, I subconsciously more backward slowly. Brynn takes the award as James rips the microphone out of Brady's hand. 

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