Chapter 13

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Addie's POV

     "Oh my gosh hold still!" Brynn squeals, scrunching up her nose. She just got back from the states, and we decided to have a sleepover. No James, just Brynn and I. She changes so much when she's around him. She's not herself anymore. It's nice to have the real her here.

     "How am I supposed to hold still when I need to paint your toenails as well?" I laugh, and she shrugs. Brushing a piece of blonde hair behind her shoulder.

     "Beats me," she giggles, finishing off my last toenail. I quickly finish painting hers.

    "How were the GIMA's?" I ask, and she frowns.

      "My performance went well enough, and I won several awards," she attempts to bring up the positive, but I know that she's just trying to use it as a cover.

      "I saw what happened with the artist of the year award. I'm sorry," I apologize, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She leans onto my shoulder.

     "It's fine. They must've deserved it more if they won," she shrugs with a small smile on her face, shocking me. Brynn always rants about anyone who was up against her. If anyone ever won an award over her, she was pissed. I guess her having a past with these guys must've helped. Even at that, she'd still be pissed.

     "When they performed, they were good, really good," I admit, and she nods. Her smile becomes bigger, her eyes brighter.

     "They were weren't they," she smiles, looking off at something behind me. I turn around and see the orange sweatshirt sitting there.

     "You like one of them, don't you?" I ask, and her face changes from peaceful to terrified. Her eyes widen, and she jumps back.

     "N-no no, never ever," she protests, shaking her head.

     "It's okay Brynn. So you find one of them cute? It's fine. They're all super attractive in their different ways," I try to get something out of her, but she's shut down. Now, she's back into her defensive mode.

     "No I don't. I'm in love with James. Five guys won't get in between what I've worked for," she says as if trying to motivate herself, confusing me.

     "You can still find them attractive," I push, but my phone beeps.

     Jeremiah: Michael's coming over in ten. Get here ASAP!!!

     "I need to go," I tell her, and she looks concerned and sad.

     "Why? I just got back," she frowns.

      "I forgot that I promised Jeremiah I'd hang out wth him today for a little bit," I make up an excuse that is still semi valid.

       "Oh... okay. Go have fun," she fake half smiles.


      "Jeremiah!" a little voice yells as I'm talking to him. A little child comes running in with excitement. He jumps on Jeremiah's lap and starts giggling.

     "Slow down," Michael laughs from the other room, walking in to this room.

     "Or maybe you need to hurry up," the little boy protests with a giggle at the end.

      "Really?" Michael comes back, standing in front of him.

      "Yeah. You are a slow poke," the little boy teases, sticking his tongue out and waving his hands.

     "Oh you're gonna get it now," Michael laughs, grabbing the little boy and turning him upside down in the air. The little boy starts giggling and kicking his feet around.

Empty Promises | MC - sequel to The PromiseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora