Chapter 23

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Brynn's POV

     "Wake up," someone tells me, nudging me.

     "Nooooooo," I put the pillow over my head. I got back home at four this morning. There is no good reason why I should have to get up anytime soon.

     "It's 1 in the afternoon," the person, who I'm too lazy to identify, tells me, pushing me over. They lie down next to me and wrap their arms around me.

     "Ugh," I huff, pulling the stuffed blobfish closer to my chest. Even though it's one, I don't want to get up.

      "Your hot boyfriend dropped off some chocolate croissants this morning. You should eat one," the person tells me, and I roll over.

     "Addie, did you just call my boyfriend hot?" I ask, opening my eyes to see her lying down next to me.

      "I was just stating the truth. Is it that barbaric?" she questions, sitting up. I shrug.

     "It's just... different to head that instead of you bashing on my boyfriend," I admit, and she shrugs, moving to sit cross legged.

     "You jumped like 57 rungs on the ladder. He's a keeper," Addie nods, shoving popcorn in her mouth.

     "Wait... I never told you he was my boyfriend," I raise and eyebrow, and she laughs. It's not just regular laughing, but hysterical laughing.

     "I was texting one of my friends last night when you came back. I saw you two have a mini make out session on the porch," she tells me, and I give her the "are you serious" look.

     "And you kept watching?" I ask her, and she nods.

     "It was refreshing to see you away from James. I was ready to hire someone to get rid of him," Addie smirks, eating some more popcorn while managing to spill it all over my bed.

     "You slob," I stick my tongue out at her, picking up some of the crumbs.

     "Why aren't you getting up already? A literal dreamboat brought you food. I'd sell my soul to have hot guys bring me food, specifically bread," Addie pushes me up, trying to get me up.

     "Then get a boyfriend," I inform her, standing up to look in my closet. I quickly grab out a generic outfit that looks good in cold weather before walking over to a little box I have set on my vanity.

     "What's that?" Addie asks, watching me put the key in the box and unlock it. I delicately open the box and look inside before pulling it out.

     "It's a locket I got for my 19th birthday from Michael. I haven't worn it since we broke up since it hurt me too much," I admit, putting it on, the cold metal touching my chest.

     "Adorable," Addie smiles, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me out of my room and down the stairs. I walk down the hallway, and there on my placemat is a plate full of chocolate croissants.

      "Awww," I smile lightly to myself, sitting down.

      "He was hoping he'd see you, but he had to get to the studio," Addie informs me, walking over to the microwave to probably make more popcorn.

     "He's so sweet," I admit happily.

     "Do his friends know?" Addie asks, making me raise an eyebrow.

      "About what?" I question, taking a bite of a chocolate croissant.

     "What you two have going on," Addie answers, putting a bag of popcorn into the microwave to cook.

Empty Promises | MC - sequel to The PromiseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant