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I want to preface this with a few things.

1) The girls went on hiatus, and even though we all knew it was coming, I'm going to respectfully ask you not to comment about it. This fic is here to take people's minds off the real world, so if you want to talk about it, the comments on this line is the space to do that.

2) I'm so incredibly nervous for you all to read this, because I feel like there are a lot of expectations and pressure on me for this fic. But this is the end, and I'm happy with it.

3) There are questions I have for you down at the bottom about the future of this book and my others and I'd love to get your input

4) I love Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui.

5) Here we go.


The first thing Camila realises about college is that it's hard.

She knows it's wrong that she feels this way, but any time Lauren comes home talking about her good grades, Camila is jealous. She knows she should be happy for Lauren, but it's hard when she's struggling at something her girlfriend finds so easy.

Camila goes to the classes, and hands in the work, but she has no clue what she's doing, and that's her downfall.

Lauren, on the other hand, finds her work rather easy, and complains that it isn't challenging her enough. "I knew all of these things about animals already," she boasts one night, and Camila just sighs and decides she's going to sleep on the couch.

After what feels like a year avoiding Lauren – really, it's only a week – her girlfriend finally approaches her.

"Are you mad at me?"

Camila looks up from the television to see Lauren rocking on her heels in the doorway. "No. I'm not mad."

"You're avoiding me, I think," Lauren points out, and Camila sighs, "I would like you to stop that, please."

"I'm just tired, Lauren," Camila admits, and Lauren sinks down onto the couch next to her, her fingers drumming against her leg. "College is really kicking my ass."

"Why didn't you say so?" Lauren frowns, glancing at the work on Camila's desk. "I can help you, if you'd like. And- um, we can do something fun to take your mind off it."

"I'm starting to think it's not for me." Camila continues like she hadn't heard Lauren talk. "College isn't really for everyone. The work is too much of a step up and it's stressing me out."

Lauren blinks. "You're moving back home?"

"What?" Camila looks up and shakes her head. "No, I love being here with you. It's just... I'm not too sure about continuing with college."

"Oh," Lauren frowns to herself. "Well, um, you can go and talk to the admissions people. And maybe ask about taking a year out and restarting next year. It's only early, I'm sure you can do that. I'll go with you if you need me to."

Camila shakes her head. "That'd make me feel like a failure, though. Like I'm too dumb to-"

"No," Lauren interrupts her. "You're so smart, Camzi. If it's a problem with the work, I can help! And- and I- I don't want you to drop out because then you'll go home and I'll be alone and-"

"Lauren," Camila cuts in, "even if I did drop out, it wouldn't be... I'd stay here and get a job. Use the time to work on my music or something."

"Oh," Lauren deflates a little, but then smiles and nods, "alright then. Why have you been avoiding me because of this? You could have spoken to me."

you make me sick (for being so perfect)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя