Thirty One.

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"So... welcome to another one of my dumb ideas." Camila says as she tugs Lauren into her bedroom by her wrist. "I basically felt like reliving my childhood, and I thought who better to do that with than my absolutely wonderful girlfriend. Hence the, uh, excess amount of pillows and blankets."

Lauren stares down at the large pile of blankets and pillows, and Camila knows that they're probably both thinking the same thing – that Camila had taken every single pillow and blanket from every room in her house. "Um... okay?"

Camila sends her a sheepish smile. "We're going to make a pillow fort. If that's cool."

"Oh, a pillow fort," Lauren blinks in realisation, as if she hadn't picked that up from the excess amount of blankets. Although, now that Camila thinks about it, that's not all that surprising, "alright then. What do we do once we've made it?"

"Sit in it, I guess. Or... watch Disney movies. Or make out." Camila shrugs. "Whatever floats your boat, babe. You can choose what we do."

"Oh, alright, that's fun," Lauren nods, "I think we should make out. I like doing that."

"Good. Cool. Me too," Camila squeezes Lauren's hand and grabs one of the blankets to begin construction. But, because today is about releasing their inner children, she throws the blanket over Lauren's head and laughs when her girlfriend pulls it off and sends her an indignant glare. "You should've seen that coming, Lolo. I love annoying you."

Lauren pouts. "But you love me. You shouldn't do that if you love me."

"Actually, being as annoying as possible is in the 'how to show your girlfriend you love her' handbook." Camila says, poking Lauren in the arm. "I would know, I practically wrote that book. I'm like, a relationship guru."

"So I'm allowed to annoy you?" Lauren asks, and at Camila's nod, the younger girl gets a rough shove to the side and lands in the pile of pillows and blankets. Then, she feels someone sit on her stomach and squeals when hands dig into her sides. "There. I'm annoying you."

"Lauren Michelle," Camila tries to fight her girlfriend off, but Lauren is surprisingly strong. "Stop- tickling- me."

"Nope," Lauren moves her hands to Camila's neck and the younger girl squirms, letting out a few please stops as Lauren keeps tickling her. "You said that I should be as annoying as possible. So that's what I'm doing. Just being a good girlfriend and showing you I love you."

Camila tries to get out a sarcastic response as Lauren keeps tickling her. Doesn't work very well. "You're doing well at being annoying, Lo. So much that I'm tempted to flip this over and tickle you."

Lauren laughs. "You wouldn't, because I don't like being touched."

"Yeah, sure," Camila snorts, "but it's perfectly fine when you want to cuddle and won't let me move."

"Yes, because cuddling is different." Lauren stops tickling her but doesn't move from her position on Camila's stomach. "Cuddling is wonderful, you're always really warm and you fit against me perfectly, but tickling is horrible."

Camila smiles. "Just because you look all cute and cuddly with your messy hair and oversized sweater, I won't tickle you back. But I will get my revenge some other way."

"You will?" Lauren frowns and leans down to kiss her. "But I'm too cute for revenge."

"Nobody is too cute for revenge." Camila taps Lauren on the end of her nose and pulls her down for another kiss. "I love you, Lolo."

"I love you too," Lauren smiles and rolls off Camila to lay next to her on the blankets. "I would've brought my special blue blanket and we could've cuddled under it once we make our fort."

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