Twenty Seven.

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Camila is woken up by someone jumping on her bed, and she immediately pulls the sheets up to cover her head. "Sofi, go away. I'm sleeping in."

"It's not Sofi," Lauren says, "She let me in, though. She said I should jump on you. And she keeps calling me Lamp."

Camila sits up, because she's willing to talk to her girlfriend. She just didn't want to be roped into a game of hide and seek or something. "Hey, baby. I didn't know you were coming over."

"I- um, decided to surprise you. Because it's your birthday." Lauren grins and squeezes Camila's hand. "Happy birthday, Camz."

Not caring that she probably has really bad morning breath, Camila kisses her girlfriend. It's only a little peck, and Lauren pouts when she pulls away, but whatever. The tongue can come after she's brushed her teeth. "Thanks for coming over, Lo."

"I- um, I asked your mom if I could use your kitchen to make you breakfast. It's eleven, and I decided to make some bacon for you. Your mom is supervising it while I came up here to wake you up." Lauren taps on her leg. "I have- um, a plan. For today. I want to make your seventeenth birthday really special... because we're the same age now. But yes. Do you want to hang out with me today?"

"I would love to hang out with you, Lolo." Camila beams as Lauren traces patterns on her bare upper arm. "I can't wait to see what you've planned."

"Good. That's good, then." Lauren rubs on her thigh and smiles to herself. "I was worried you'd rather spend time with your family and that'd suck because I planned this a lot. I have a schedule and I made a page in my journal for it."

"I can spend time with my family after we've done whatever you're planning." Camila says. "What's the plan, anyway?"

"It's a surprise." Lauren is quick to tell her. "And- um, I can't ruin the surprise. Unless you want me to tell you. I don't know how you feel about surprises."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Camila kisses Lauren's cheek and gets up, stretching a little. "You can go downstairs and deal with the breakfast you're making me. I'm going to get changed and brush my teeth and stuff."

"Okay." Lauren doesn't move to get up from the bed, and taps out a pattern against Camila's bedside table. "I am glad you're going to let me surprise you. I was nervous that you wouldn't because I really want to take you somewhere nice."

Camila ruffles Lauren's hair as she passes her to get to the bathroom. "I love you, Lo."

"I love you too." Lauren stands up and gestures towards the door. "I'm going to go downstairs now. I'll see you when you're ready."

Apparently not caring about Camila's morning breath, Lauren pulls her in for another kiss before skipping out of the door. Camila waits until she's heard Lauren's footsteps to disappear to let out the sigh of content she's been holding, and heads into the bathroom to get ready.

She gets ready quicker than she ever has before, and doesn't bother putting her makeup on – it's not like Lauren is wearing any – and when she finally arrives downstairs, she takes Lauren off guard completely by kissing her. "Hey."

"Hello," Lauren blinks in surprise and turns around, handing her a plate with bacon, fried eggs and toast. "This is your breakfast. I told your mom that we'd be out until around eight. We're- um, going out. And then we're going to have dinner together at six."

"We're going to have dinner?" Camila frowns. "You hate restaurants."

"It's not- um, we're not going to a restaurant. We're going to my house and we're going to make pizza." Lauren taps on the table as they sit down. "If that's okay. We could go to a restaurant if you want-"

you make me sick (for being so perfect)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant