22. Changes And The Word Love

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Chapter 22. Changes And The Word Love.

•Arabella P.O.V•

Another week and schools back in, Christmas was yesterday and it was terrible. Well for me anyways, nobody seemed to notice my dimmed mood. Halfway through dinner I excused myself, and in the morning I slept while everyone else opened their presents.

There comes a light knock on my door, "Arabella, can I come in?" Fawns voice travels throughout the empty air. I stay still on my bed, maybe she'll just go away and leave me be if I don't answer.

But luck is never on my side

Fawn takes it upon herself and opens my bedroom door, inviting herself in. Light footsteps hit my floor as she walks toward my bed and it dips from the extra weight being added on. She grasps the pillow that I had covering my face and throws it across the room.

I look over to see her lips pursed, understanding evident in her eyes, "Boy problems?" She questions. I nod my head weakly and look up at my ceiling as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Ignore all the shit around you. Find him and tell him the truth. That you're in love with him." Fawn says in a stern tone, many emotions flashing across her face as she watches me with hawk eyes.

I roll over onto my stomach and move my gaze to the opposite side of the room, away from Fawn. Three full days its been that I haven't seen him nor talk to him. I haven't heard his melodic laugh in three days. I'm miserable and its been a few days without him, I cant even imagine myself without him for a month.

"Get your ass up!" She demands, standing up herself. She gives me a scowl and lets just say, its scary when a pregnant woman scowls at you. She moves across the room and searches through my closet.

After a few minutes of looking, she pops her head out, "Get dressed, we're going shopping." She states, leaving me to get ready. Who does she think she is? Waltzing in here and telling me what I'm going to do.

I don't think so!

"NOW." She yells from outside my door. I sigh, crawling out of bed and looking in my body mirror. I look horrid, my hair was in tangles and there was dark bags underneath my eyes.

What happened to 'I don't think so?'

Shut up

I stumble into the bathroom, switching on the light to see that my bathroom was cleaned. The fudge? I strip out of my clothes and hop into the hot shower. The water beating down on my bare skin. I grab the cherry body wash and squirt some on my cloth.

After washing my body, I move onto my hair. Dabbing the honey shampoo into the palm of my hand and bringing it through my hair. One thing I really hate about having long hair is, there's so much of it and its hard to wash. I quickly rinse my hair and shut off the shower.

I grab a white towel, wrapping it around my body and leave the bathroom. My wet hair swinging around my elbows as I walk towards my closet. I pull out a pair of shorts, a purple crop top, and a white see through blouse to go over top.

Fawn barrels in just as I button up the blouse, I love how she didn't even knock. Rude. "Hurry up." She exclaims, grabbing the hair drier and starts drying my hair. I groan and slump my shoulders.

Once she finishes with drying my hair, she starts braiding it, "Why are we doing this?" I whine out, wincing when she tugs on a piece of hair.

"I'm getting you to realise you're an idiot for letting the guy you love go." She states, tying the end of my hair with an elastic. I roll my eyes at her and her ridiculous imagination.

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