18. Tragedy At Its Finest

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Chapter 18. Tragedy At Its Finest

•Arabella P.O.V•

A smile danced on my lips as I walk home, I just got the exciting news that I would be going back to dance camp this summer. Last year was a blast, so I'm ecstatic to see what happens this summer.

My smile fades and I tense when a black van slows beside me. It comes to a stop a few feet in front of me and two men step out.

Panic bubbles up inside me and I try to walk around them, but it doesn't work since one grabbed my arm roughly, bringing a cloth to my mouth with his other hand. My body starts to slump and my vision goes black.


Its been almost two months, how do I know this? The man Steven likes to shout at his men and remind them about how long I've been missing. The door opens, and Steven; the leader walks in.

"Arabella." He trails off, looking at me with those evil eyes.

"Stefen," I spit out, purposely getting his name wrong. He narrows his eyes at me and takes a threatening step forward.

"What? We going to go pick flowers? You know, that's always been a goal of mine. Pick flowers with the man who kidnapped me." I continue, smirking to myself. Its funny seeing him angry.

He leans forward and I bring out the inner man inside of me. I open my mouth and let out the biggest burp I have ever had. Right in his face. He stumbles back and scowls.

He raises his hand and brings it down, slapping me in the face. It only stings now, not hurting that much anymore.

"I will break you." He says with a determined look.

Hours passed and I sit here, crying. Missing my mom and dad. I just want to be home with them.

"I want my mom." I cry out, rocking back and forth on the floor. My legs were tied together, my hands duct taped behind my back.

His evil laugh fils the dark, cold room. I feel more tears escape when he shakes his head. "You're never going to see your mommy again." His voice held no emotion and it was almost, taunting.

Sobs rack through my body, my feet were bare and bruises covered every inch of my body. Blood dripped down my arms and legs from small cuts he had caused.

My body goes completely still when I hear sirens, and it seems that they're right outside of wherever we are. I think its an abandoned warehouse, but I'm not quite sure.

"Steven Paul, we know your in there." They shout, there was banging on the door and I knew they were going to bust it right open.

Steven, also know as the guy who kidnapped me must have realised this because he looks over at me.

He grabs me, forcing me to my feet, I was facing the door that had just smashed open. He on the other hand was behind me. I feel him shift and I knew something was wrong.

I feel a cold blade touch my neck and my whole body freezes. My body starts to tremble when I feel the knife prick my skin. I don't want to die, I've been good girl, and I'm only fifteen. I need to live, I need to take care of my mom and dad.

"I broke you Arabella." He whispers into my ear.

In one fast movement I feel the blade pierce my skin, he drags it from the left side of my neck down to my chest. It felt like everything was in slow mo.

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