21. Everything In The Open

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Chapter 21. Everything Out In The Open.

•Arabella P.O.V•

The dinner went perfectly, Everett was perfect and I cant even complete a sentence with out saying the word perfect. After the gang found out about Everett and I's kiss, they left a short while after.

Him and I went back to his house and we had dinner, the whole time he would reach under the table and grab my hand in his large one. After dinner we watched the movie, 30 minutes or less, which is his favourite movie. 

He drove me home after that, and walked me to my doorstep while holding my hand tightly, not that I minded one bit. The thing that caught me by surprise was when he swooped down and kissed me. Leaving me on my front doorstep blushing like a Russian fool named Bertha. 

After I went inside and layed in bed, thinking about how everything was perfect. But than something dawned on me, not everything is perfect. I'm still waiting for this supposed cure to help me from dying.

And I didn't know what I was going to do with my life, staying with Everett sounded great, but that only happens in the movies and books. Plus Derek and Fawn…And Noah and Fletcher.

But you get my point right? Please tell me you do because if I say anything else I may make myself sound stupider than I really am. And I cant have that can I?


Now? I'm back in the hospital, mom brought me in early this morning when I was having dizzy spells and finally collapsed in front of my bed room door. They have me connected to an IV once again.

You wanna know what I'm doing right now? As in this second? Well I'll tell you, I'm currently running down the hall bare foot, in my hospital gown and clinging to the IV. The nurses said it wasn't a great idea for me to be walking around.

So I asked for a drink of cranberry juice, once they left I bolted. Now I'm finding  place I could hide myself. I heard a nurse shout from a far, and I panicked. Opening the closest door to me, I flung myself and the IV into a room.

I lean against the door catching my breath before letting out a round of giggles, My god, my nerves were spiked and adrenaline was rolling. I clapped my hand over my mouth in a way to keep my giggles at bay. I finally open my eyes and took in my surroundings.

My heart started breaking into pieces when I took everything in. Sitting up in a hospital bed was a girl with a pale face, her blond hair growing out into a pixie cut. She had piercing grey eyes that looked directly at me.

I stand still, trembling a little when I see the four if them staring at me with guilt and regret in their eyes. Everett sat there, frozen in spot, as did Nathan, Miranda and Hudson.

I look back at the girl, squinting my eyes while taking in her appearance, "Heidi Gabrielle." I state, looking at the once healthy girl I attended dance camp with. She use to have such long blond hair and her skin was tan, now, you can barely recognize her.

"Arabella Harmony."She states with a small grin. This was what we use to do, before we actually became friends we were talking about if our middle names could be our last names. And so she started calling me Arabella Harmony while I called her Heidi Gabrielle.

Everyone stares, wide eye'd, "You two know each other?" Miranda sputters. Confusion clouding all of their eyes. I just stand here, watching everything unfold.

They kept her a secret, they kept everything from me

They never trusted me

"Dance camp, she was my best friend," Heidi begins, than she looks at me with questioning eyes, "What happened? You were so healthy." She asks, her grey eyes glazing over.

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