20. A Little Bit Shy

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Chapter 20. A Little Bit Shy

•Arabella P.O.V•

January 2, that is when my birthday is, today is December 17. It feels so far away, but it really isn't. I shuffle through my clothes, looking for something to wear.

Everett now long gone, I came to a very frightening conclusion last night, and It still feels weird to admit it, but I guess I have to.

I like Everett.

Like, a lot. Its not just a small crush, but I feel like half of me is gone when he's not with me.

Does that make sense?

I slip on a pair of grey sweat pants, a purple sports bra, and a white t-shirt on top of that. Everett told me before he left last night, that he was gonna take me to this gym, and than back to his house for dinner.

I slip on my pink flip flops and rush down the stairs, on every step my flip flop would slap against it, making this loud noise that echoed throughout the house.

When I reach the bottom step, I look around to see nobody around. Weird. I walk into the living room to see everyone situated in front of the window.

"What?" I question, pulling my hair back in a messy pony tail, I grab my white knitted bag and pull it to my side.

"There's a good looking guy on a motorcycle parked in the driveway." Noah answers when no one else did, a small grin on her face.

He's here early, of course.

I kiss mom on the cheek while screaming goodbye over my shoulder, I run out the front door, slamming it behind me. I jog over to Everett who starts walking towards me, a goofy grin splitting onto his lips.

I look up at him with a blank expression, "Your here early." I state, titling my head to the side to get a better look at him. He really is gorgeous.

He chuckles, and let me tell you that, that sound is like a melody. It causes butterflies to sprout in my stomach, so I quickly kick them back.

He holds my helmet in his hand, smoothly leaning forward and plucking my hair elastic from my hair, causing purple waves to flow past my shoulders. He grins at me, showing off his perfect white teeth.

I roll my eyes at him, and let out a noise of surprise when he tugs me closer, causing me to stumble into his chest. He puts my helmet on my head and opens up the flap so I can look at him.

He slides on and looks back at me, gesturing for me to get on. A moment of hesitation takes over before I push it a side. Come on Arabella, Everett would never let you get hurt.

I obligate, swinging a leg over the beast, coming closer behind Everett, like he usually does, he grabs my hands in his and brings them around his waist. Both of us shiver when my fingers brush a bare part of skin where his shirt had risen up.

He kicks the stand and soon the motorcycle jolts forward, the wind smacking at my bare arms as he speeds down the road. I lay my head on his back as he pulls into the incoming traffic. He whizzed past vehicles,p maneuvering around cars like an expert.

I let out a small squeal when Everett turns sharply around a corner, my arms tightening around him. His chuckles fill my ears, and I smile like I was just handed the world.

We speed past Clovers and down a dirt road, now in the out back of town. Everett slows just as a huge building comes into my vision. He pulls into the parking lot and kills the engine. Kicking out the stand to keep us balanced. He slips off the helmet that was once covering his head and turns to look back at me.

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