Rap Battle #3 - Nana vs Angela

Start from the beginning

1) Played Zilong or Layla

The author blinked. "Well, I did definitely had played these two but not currently as I am not fond of their simplicity and playstyle."

He snickered. "Even though Layla is the best Tank we have, I am still not fond with her but I did use her around Season 5 as my ADC slot when she was good."

2) Went to the spawnpoint at Brawl Mode to heal but realized that it didn't work.

The author blinked again. "I always knew that it didn't recovered health ever since it was released." He answered before sighing. "Well, there were some instances, but those were just in the heat of the moment I guess."

3) Said 'GG' or 'Well Played' to my team or the opponent team.

The author smiled. "Well, I can always call GG on my team anyways... if you know what I mean." He answered with a wink. "But yeah, I do call a good game or a well played a lot of the time because of how the game works that it's natural to press those at times."

Then, he grinned. "But yeah, I do use those terms a lot when the game gets intense or the toxic level rises just to tilt the enemy team more I guess."

4) Called my team 'nub', 'idiot', 'bad' or 'stupid' in chat.

The author shrugged. "I do it whenever it actually is applicable. I mean, you really have those times that you are frustrated about a certain player and they troll or something..."

The author sighed. "Well, let's say emotional level can go through the roof if those events happen." He answered before smiling. "But don't worry! I don't usually do that unless it is for fun and all!"

5) Made Fanart.

The author sighed. "I wish I can draw but nada... I suck at drawing." He said with a look on his tablet. "I sometimes get jealous on how people do those arts though but I know it's through practice."

He looks to his side, seeing a pen and paper. "Then again... I don't really have much time for it..."

6) Wrote a fanfic.

The author blinked. "Isn't the one you are reading on now is a fanfic?" He asked no one in particular before shrugging. "Well, yes, I do... three actually for the Mobile Legends franchise as the other one is a guide book."

7) Hummed along the background music.

The author blinked again. "...how does the background music sound again?" He asked. "I haven't turned on the background music ever since I had been playing Spotify music over it or been talking to my friends using voice call."

The author shrugged. "So...yeah.. can't hum to it if I don't remember it."

8) Got a Savage

The author smiled. "Yep! I have two, with Clint and with Balmond!" He exclaimed brightly. "It was really amazing on how I had those as it was with pre-rework Clint, the Clint with two guns, and Balmond with a full critical build."

He sighed happily. "Ahhh... those days where the game isn't plague with heroes that have insane mobility... I miss those days."

9) Recieved a skin from somebody before.

The author smiled. "Why, yes. I did." He answered simply. "It's both gifts for different reasons but I did recieved skins from people before."

He winked. "I bet you that one of them is reading this right now."

10) Used a quote from ML in a real life conversation.

"Yep! I had!" He said with an amused smile. "Nothing lasts forever, we can change the future!"

The author laughed after he said the quote. "I used to annoy my friends with that when I was bored and had nothing to do other than conversing them about Mobile Legends."

11) Cosplayed as one of the heroes.

The author blink. "Nope.. never gonna plan to unless it's Estes." He said with a smirk. "All you need is a huge cartolina paper, some towels and a robe to cosplay as him anyways."

12) Gotten as MVP as Support Hero.

The author smirked. "I actually had MVP with all the supports!" He exclaimed before blinking. "Maybe not with Estes..."

Then, he looked at his tab with a smile. "I am quite fond with Lolita at the moment. She is my favorite and I'll never give up on her."

Then he blinked again. "Why do I have a feeling that I have seen someone said that before?"

13) Played ML in school.

"I actually did one time just for the heck of it." He said with a shrug. "It was only custom though... so I can exit the game when I need to."

14) Trolled in a game.

The author smiled sheepishly. "...I do sometimes but I won those games because it was just that wild." He answered. "It just so happens that the opponent couldn't adapt to it, like Full AD Lolita for example. Sometimes, innovation can make for some surprising moments."

15) Have a crush on any hero.

The author smiled. "See the cover? Yeah, that's her." He answered. "Ruby was always interesting and I have a mini-crush on her in game."

Then, he looked at his tablet. "I am also fond with Kagura by the way as she is really cute with a kimono!" He exclaimed happily before clearing his throat.

"Anyways, that's all about to it with the questions, hope you guys like it!" He said before smiling sheepishly again. "And don't worry, Ask or Dare will be updated tomorrow! I promise."

Then, he placed his tablet down on the table. "Also, I tag TateWouldLikeToSleep for the tag challenge and I will have a Miya x Estes oneshot for you guys tomorrow!" He stated. "I hope you guys like the rap battle and this segment and if you did, leave a vote!"

The author waved at the camera with a grin. "Stay tuned for more and stay awesome friends!"

The camera fizzled out.

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