Chapter 25

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The ride to Valaria had been quiet after the whole sex thing was over. They bickered here and there, teasing each other, squabbling away. It was almost like it had never happened, and for some strange reason... this troubled Tamara.

She couldn't help but to occasionally dwell over what they had done, how different it had all been. A part of her nearly felt guilty, as if she had betrayed her long time deceased husband. The other part had been excited, her mind blown. Her heart soared and she wanted to giggle like a high school girl who was sneaking around during class. She had no idea how to behave, and most importantly, she didn't know what this meant. Was Stephen serious? Or had this been a fling, a fuck-and-then-forget type of thing? Did he even see her any other way? What were her feelings even towards him? She knew that his brother had been her one and true mate, after his death she knew she didn't have long, although the Grim Reaper seemed to be taking his time with her. Stephen was a link to the past, a way to remember her mate, to know that it was real.

She shook her head, no good will come with that type of mindset, she thought.

Stephen and her were on their way to, what the locals called, The Royal Palace. A bit more fancy title that wasn't worthy of the place. It was a small Tavern within the town of Credence, a place just south of the capital where Jacquelyn and Neo would be. Stephen said he wanted to stop here for the night despite Tamara's protests. She wanted to already be there, to have landed closer to the actual palace just so she could check on Neo sooner; but, the damned ship Neo owned was wanted everywhere, even on his home planet. They had to land further away and hence to where they were now. Buying a room for the night and heading up the wooden stair, both not in the mood to have to deal with the rowdy drunkards that already filled the bar below.

"I need to meet someone here soon," Stephen said as they got situated. "If I asked nicely would you stay here?"

Tamara tossed her bag onto the bed before taking a well desired seat beside it. The weather outside had been killing her from all the heat that blasted sun was pounding down. "Are you asking me to stay here or are you asking if you can ask me to stay here?"

Stephen crossed his arms and looked down at her, giving her his famous are-you-fucking-serious face.

Tamara rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Depends. Can I ask who you're meeting?"

"Darius, the unknown leader of the Ancord." Stephen took a seat beside the door. "There were a few more things we needed to go over before I took the message to Jacky."

"Damn..." Tamara took a moment to calm herself, mostly from her stress when she realized that Stephen was actually close to the actual leader of a well renowned assassin organization. "How did you meet this guy again?"

"He busted in on me while I was fucking some girl I met at the bar that night. He immediately apologized and backed out, obviously I was curious who the hell he was so I threw some pants on and gave chase. Turns out he was hunting some fucker in the room next door. Because he broke my door down first it alerted his target. Some guy named Orlando. He hid behind the door and got a knock in on Darius." Stephen grabbed a cigarette from his pack, lighting it coolly. "Naturally, as a helping citizen of the community, I knocked the dude on his ass and held him down until Darius collected himself. We chatted a bit after that and stayed in touch ever since."

Tamara only stared in a silent awe, her mouth open as she nodded her head up and down repeatedly. "Fascinating..." She cooed. "Please tell me you didn't leave that helpless girl unfucked though, that would be cruel. Even for you."

"Nah, bitch was so drunk she passed out with her hand between her legs before I got back to her. I left her some money to split the bill and bounced. I did after all assist in a murder." Stephen ashed on the floor, not giving a single fuck about the future maid that would have to clean it up later.

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