Chapter 15

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I will always remember you, and from here on, even if I really want to, I won't cry for you anymore because it would only make you sad. I'll love you since you couldn't seem to find a way to love yourself, I know its too late now to make a difference, but I know that so long as I remember your existence, and not just the person you pretended to be for us, you won't ever die, you are not dead, you're now among nature and in a better place, in a world without pain. You are the rain and the sun and the moon and all of those shiny stars, and that soft caressing breeze that holds all of us so carefully. You are everything. I love you. In our next life let's meet again, okay? I'll be there to make sure you can love yourself next time and the time after that, me and many others. You won't be alone, you were never alone.

I'm sorry I didn't see it before, I hope you'll forgive me.

I don't like goodbyes, so let's not say it okay? Instead... let us say Goodnight. That way I know we'll meet again.



Thank you for being born. You really did a good job.


The hot sun that beat down on the sandy realm of Crex seemed like home to Jacquelyn after all these years. She knew the smell within the air, the feeling of the hot sand beneath her feet; the muggy air wrapped around her in a warm hug. All as if the planet itself was telling her, 'welcome back'.

"Jesus it's hot out here..." Neo complained, fanning himself with an Earthen Chinese styled fan.

"Another Earth meme?" Jacquelyn teased.

"No. I just... Ah shut up," Neo whined some more while he pressed his water canteen to his forehead.

Jacquelyn snickered and continued to walk down the streets of Crex, greeting familiar Physoldi warriors who were patrolling the streets. She couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of joy bubbling from inside her. She didn't understand why, but a part of her didn't want her to. It had been a long time since she felt anything like this, maybe she just missed this place. Maybe it had finally become a home to her. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Whatever the case, she was happy to be back.

They could have landed at the airport within the palace grounds, but Neo didn't want to risk them trying to steal his new ship. He had said he had become attached to her and had even given her a name: Morrigan. And he blatantly refused the very idea of returning her. It was all the thief talking however. Well, inside Jacquelyn's mind it was anyway.

"Welcome home!" E'ga said happily once they entered the royal chambers. It was around noon, the Queen liked to enjoy tea in silence around this time.

"Thank you my lady," Jacquelyn bowed slightly, even though she knew she would be scolded. Secretly she appreciated it whenever the Queen got after her. In her mind, she pretended it was E'ga punishing her for her husband's death, though she wished for a larger punishment.

"Oh, you," E'ga huffed and did not waste any time correcting Jacquelyn. "Come now child stand tall and proud! You don't bow to me or anyone!"

"Yes Milady," Jacquelyn hid her smile and stepped to the side, revealing Tamara who had been standing behind her. "This is the woman we were successful in saving. The fake codes were also delivered."

"Ah, I see. You are Neo's friend then? I am pleased you are now safe." E'ga smiled her toothy grin, taking a moment longer to stare at Tamara who was currently blushing at the sudden gentleness which was found in the Queen's voice. She turned to stare at Neo who huddled against the wall closest to the AC. "You brought not only your friend to safety Neo, but my daughter was brought back safely as well. You have my sincere gratitude."

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