Chapter 1

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You better be ready to bleed you Vaulkarian scum. I had my blade sharpened just for you," said an angry Physoldi who quickly held up his warrior's blade towards Neo's throat. It wasn't the first time something like this happened.

Of course the pretext of each encounter might have varied a little from time to time. Either it was a male of some sort of alien species protecting his pride, (because he managed to insult the delusional creature just by breathing), or he ended up looking at the wrong female and then the male was honor bound to prove who was stronger. This time could have been because he flirted with the bartender a little bit more than he should have, but he was completely innocent. In the eyes of other alien and humanoid races, Vaulkarians were the most attractive and they were more than willing to go bump in the night if the given party was willing to bump back. What could he say? It was basically in his nature to make every female feel special in their large galaxy, it was almost like a Vaulkarian quest. This was the reason most male alien, or human, creatures hated him on sight. He could sneeze and end up having some sort of Physoldi, Nycolai, or Andration male chewing out his ass for just existing.

Neo sat his beer down onto the bar in front of him and pondered over how he'd get out of this one. The Physoldi behind him was obviously wondering the same thing although Neo doubted it was because he was worried over getting caught. He was most likely just worried about losing should Neo decide to pull out the hidden blade in his boot. Not that he felt like it, a simple kick to the groin would work well enough. Ever since the Physoldi spotted him, the once overpopulated bar soon turned into the equivalent of a ghost town leaving the bar completely abandoned. He was just thankful it wasn't like on Trevain. He ended up having the entire planet's royal guard plus some killjoy bounty hunters on his ass just for a small encounter he had with their Lord's Queen. Again, technically not his fault. Their Queen just happened to get run over by some crazy universal media and he happened to be there to save the day. . . And then earned a kiss on the cheek just in time for the sneaky ass reporters to catch it on live TV. So their King wasn't as forgiving as the rest of the said planet, but even he would admit that it would likely be suicide if he ever went back. Not that he had plans to. Too many noble houses needed to be stolen from in different places in the galaxy.

"I hope you made amends with your false Gods, Vaulkarian," the hopelessly pissed off Physoldi raised his sword above his head only to cease all form of movement when the sound of a Plasma Rifle clicked behind him.

"I see you're making friends again. Can't you Vaulkarians play nice for once instead of pissing off every species you come across? Or is that just a Neo thing?" A sultry and yet chastising female voice came from behind the frozen Physoldi who was now currently quivering with fear.

"What can I say? Mom always said I was one of a kind. At least I don't piss off the women." He smirked as he quickly finished the last bit of his ale standing up from the bar stool and walking around the frozen brown and furry Physoldi beside him.

"Okay for you, smartass. You keep that up and I might just let this giant fur ball have you for lunch," the female Weis scoffed before switching her rifle back to safety mode. "Get out of here man. No use dying over this." The way the green skinned woman flashed the Physoldi a toothy grin would make anyone think she was talking to an old friend, but Neo knew better. This was her signature look that said if-you-don't-leave-soon-I'll-make-you-leave-for-good.

The giant Physoldi bowed in respect, thanking the woman for letting him keep his life while he made his hasty retreat, his tail literally tucked between his legs.

"Hello Tamara," he finally greeted. Knowing her, she would have beat him senseless if he had acknowledged her with a witness in the area. Now that it was just to two of them however, he felt safe from her wrath.

"Hello Neo. I see you're still at it. Isn't a thief's life suppose to be... Oh I don't know... Not so public? You seem to be showing up everywhere," she laughed as she took a seat on a vacant bar stool and began filling a glass for herself from a Crex labeled bottle. Some sort of concoction that was an Andration remix of a human's Brandy and a Rum of a sorts mixed together. Plus some alien gook and maybe some slime. Who knows. Thankfully you didn't see too many humans outside their home planet, and seeing how this stuff was banned on earth like a lot of other things, no one really got to watch the beautiful moment when a human would get mixed up as a Vaulken or even a Nycolai, and would be served a drink or two. Now that was something that should be stored in some sort of planet's ancient history for something to remember. Or at least video-linked and then posted onto the internet.

"So you heard about my last job then?" Neo couldn't help but let a slow groan of humiliated agony. His last job was to simply steal a priceless item off of some Noble's back-end when he ended up in another universal scandal with the maiden women who happened to be his target's wife. . . At least he wouldn't die a virgin with how many of these gracious opportunities the Gods granted him.

"I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you sound like you actually might regret it, or the fact that bitch you banged was a virgin and was sworn to that stuck up noble you were suppose to be robbing." She almost choked on her drink as she let out a loud cackle. "What's great about that whole ordeal. . . Is that even though you were just suppose to steal that rich bastards bank account-" Oh gods help him. Here it comes. "You stole his fiance's virginity too!" She laughed harder as she poured herself another drink.

"And yet another planet I'll have to stay away from," he groaned. He really wished Vaulkarians like himself weren't sexual magnets. Sometimes. That lady practically forced her wicked ways on him. It was merely his overly eager to please testosterone levels that led him to the heart of the house and into the tight core of the soon-to-be wife of the house after stealing his item of interest.

"Whatever. Knowing you, you probably just did your normal broody scowl and looked at her. That seems to make all the girls swoon in your wake," she said. She laughed again when Neo glared at her, taking her last shot before tossing the bottle far across the room. Not a care was given by her as it shattered against the dirt wall and scared the innocent passerby's away from the entrance.

"I don't brood," he growled. He had to resist the urge to grab another bottle and smack it over her head. Normally he'd never harm a girl. Ever. It would go against everything he was taught and against his own set of morals; but, Tamara wasn't some ordinary girl. She just happened to be that one pain in the ass he couldn't seem to get rid of. Naturally, this made her an exception to any morals he had. The only thing that stopped him however was if he ever did try to do something that stupid, she'd gladly bend him over and rip him a new one before he could cry out Mommy.

"Oh please. If you could brood any more than you normally do you would never have to worry about your rogue status because the noble women would sabotage their husbands and have small broody babies in your honor just to win your love and affection." She winked at him and swiftly moved out of grabbing distance. Damn Weisians and their quick to learn attributes.

Rubbing the sides of his temples with his ring and forefinger, he let out a slow exhale trying to help the migraine that always seemed to accompany Tamara whenever she was around. She was like a plague. He pushed his hand up into his raven black hair and finally stared down the Weisian female who was currently looking around the room knowing the effect her last jab had on him.

"So... what did you need Tamara?" He finally asked after what felt like an eternity in hell as the migraine only got worse. Gods, it was too early in the afternoon for this...

"Glad you finally asked," she cooed, tossing one of her long black braids behind her shoulder, revealing more of her green painted face.

"You Mah Serah Vaulken... Have just been hired by The Sonar."

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