Chapter 14: My Heart Takes Over

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*Two months into everyone in London, touring is over and interviews are pouring in with the guys of one direction. Ariana now lives in London with the girls but travels back and forth to record for Victorious and visit family and friends! The girls now are known as The Rhythmic’s (Random right!?) And are set on recording their new album, and Zayn still doesn’t know about Jordan and Ariana about Geneva

-------Ariana’s P.O.V------

“Welcome! The Rhythmics’!” The radio guy said while we got ready for our interview.

“Hi!”  We all said in unison.

“So how has everything been going? I heard that you guys are busy working on the new album; and Ariana you’re back and forth flying from London to LA to do your show Victorious?” The guy said.

I squinted so I would be able to see his name on the papers. “Yeah Chris! Um we only film every two or three weeks so it’s not as bad, and the album is going to be amazing! Everyone’s been working pretty hard so we can’t complain.” I laughed looking at Danielle.

“Great! So the big question is, how is life going dating the boys of One Direction?” He asked us smiling.

“It’s a busy job but someone has to do it! Not long the other day I found Louis, Harry, and Niall trying on my heels the other day! It was crazy!” Alli laughed at the thought.

“Great! Ariana what about you and Zayn? I heard that you guys are going pretty strong congrats!” Chris smiled. “Thank you! But yes its going really well, we see each other a lot now that I moved over here and its fantastic!” I smiled. Okay, I was lying about half of everything I said. Zayn and I have been going good; but getting pretty distant. We still see each other every hour of the day, but he’s separating himself more. We just start arguing over things that just won’t make sense. I was gonna go over his place later tonight anyway so hopefully we get closer.

“We’re gonna go on break then the girls will come back with their new cover single before they go!” Chris said and walked out of the booth.


Zayn: Busy today?

Ariana: No, why what’s up?

Zayn: I just want you to come over really bad! I miss you :(

Ariana: You saw me yesterday! But okay :)

I replied back and went through the rest of my messages. Tons of them were from the girls, the guys, family, friends, Zayn, and Jordan still. I told the girls about him but made sure they didn’t tell the guys cause I knew Zayn would freak.


Jordan: I heard you on the radio promoting your album. Good job/luck.

Ariana: Thanks.

Jordan: Busy today?

Ariana: Yeah, im going over Zayns.

He didn’t text me back. I felt bad, it was like I was being stand off-ish to him.

“Ariana, um look at this..” Cher said showing me her phone. It was a picture of Zayn and Geneva. “Um, I don’t know what to say about that to say about that.” I laughed nervously.

“I’m sure its nothing.” Eleanor said holding my hand.

“I’m gonna go get some air for a second.” I smiled and left the room. I looked on my phone for information of Zayn and Geneva. Tons of things popped up.

“Zayn Malik and Geneva Lane out and about in London.”

“Geneva Lane: ‘I can honestly say that I still Miss Zayn.’”

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