73. Butterflies & Rainbows.

Start from the beginning

In reality, it had only been two days since I've been to his house. Two days already passed since he became my boyfriend and it was only now that I was finally able to touch, to kiss him, and to talk to him. I did see him, once or twice, around the high school but his mom happened to be with him every time so I couldn't really approach them, approach him. 

Until now. 

"God, you're making me go crazy," I said as I finally pulled away from his lips and he looked at me, breathless, with his mouth half-opened. Fuck, he looked so sexy right now, so vulnerable. Once again, I lifted him off the floor and made him sit back down on the table, coming to stand between his legs.

"What are you doing here?" Pierre asked me again then as I brushed my thumb against his lips, "Mr. Harold will be there soon."

"I know," I told him, rubbing his back, "But I got detention so I have every right to stay here."

"What?! Are you serious? What the hell did you do again?" he asked me in disbelief, "Don't tell me that you got yourself in trouble just so that you could be here with me?"

"I did," I admitted without any care and he was about to scold me but I stopped him, "You can't be mad at me, love. We're dating now and the last time that I talked to you was literally two days ago. I needed to do something about this injustice." He rolled his eyes. "I figured that if it was possible for you to come to me, you would have did it already but as you didn't seem ready to make a move, I decided to do it myself. I saw your mom following you around like a little dog."

"I'm sorry," he immediately told me then, letting out a sigh. "I really wanted to come see you, I wanted it to my very core, but my parents don't really trust me anymore. Mom even decided to come fetch me in front of my classrooms at the end of every class. God, I know that she works here but does that really allow her to leave her working place to walk me around like a little baby? This is really embarrassing for me, you have no idea."

Yeah, she took the craziness to another level.

"So that's your punishment for the detention?" I asked him curiously, "Your mom is going to babysit you at the high school?"

"Seems like it, but well, I'm also grounded for an unknown period of time."

"I already guessed that one."

"And I have no phone to text you."

"I know that too."

"I feel so bad," he said, looking guilty, "You don't know how bad I feel concerning this situation. Dating me must be horrible for you."

"Love, don't be ridiculous," I told him, rolling my eyes. "Dating you is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. You don't have to feel guilty about anything. I'll admit that it's hard for me to not be able to be with you constantly but I'll survive, we'll both survive. We'll definitely find a way to be together, no matter how long it takes."

He looked like he couldn't believe it.

"How can you be so calm and collected?" he asked me, clearly not understanding. 

"Well, I started dating the most beautiful man on earth so of course, my peace of mind and happiness reached another level. Absolutely nothing can drag me down right now," I informed him and he let out a laugh. Though, I was telling the complete truth. 

"I love you so much," he stated, caressing my cheek lovingly.

"I love you too," I told him and he moved forward to kiss me. Though, before I could enjoy the taste of his lips once again, the door suddenly opened and Mr. Harold walked in. His eyes immediately fell on us.

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